Astarion Companion Guide: Romance, Builds, and Approval | Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)|Game8 (2024)

Astarion Companion Guide: Romance, Builds, and Approval | Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)|Game8 (1)

Astarion is a companion and a playable Origin character in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Check out our guide to learn more about Astarion, including his location and how to recruit him, his related companion quest, romance and approval options, and best builds!

List of Contents

  • Profile
  • How to Recruit
  • Companion Quest
  • Romance and Approval Guide
  • Builds
  • Baldur's Gate 3 Related Guides

Astarion Profile and Background

Astarion's Companion Info

Astarion Overview
Astarion Companion Guide: Romance, Builds, and Approval | Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)|Game8 (2)
Class Rogue
Background Noble
Race High Elf

Astarion's Ability Scores

8 17 14 13 13 10

Astarion's default class is a Rogue and his proficiencies lean toward Ranged and Finesse weapons. Prioritize raising Dexterity since it affects your Armor Class, Initiative, as well as the damage he can deal with the weapons he's proficient in.

Ability Scores Guide

Astarion's Skill Proficiencies

  • Acrobatics (Strength)
  • Sleight of Hand (Dexterity)
  • Stealth (Dexterity)
  • Perception (Wisdom)
  • Deception (Charisma)
  • Performance (Charisma)
  • Persuasion (Charisma)

Astarion's Equipment Proficiencies

  • Armor - Light Armor
  • Simple Weapons - Clubs, Daggers, Greatclubs, Handaxes, Javelins, Light Crossbows, Light Hammers, Maces, Quarterstaffs, Shortbows, Sickles, Spears
  • Martial Weapons - Hand Crossbows, Longbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords

Who is Astarion?

Astarion Companion Guide: Romance, Builds, and Approval | Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)|Game8 (3)

For centuries, Astarion prowled through the countless nights as a malevolent vampire in service of his sad*stic master, Cazador.

After setting himself free from his master's chains, he verged on a quest to become more powerful than his former overlord ever dreamed of — eventually leading to his captivity aboard the Nautiloid.

How to Recruit Astarion

Approach Him Near the Nautiloid Wreckage

Astarion Companion Guide: Romance, Builds, and Approval | Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)|Game8 (4)

Astarion can be found wandering beside the destroyed Nautiloid ship in Chapter One. As you approach him, he will ask for assistance in killing one of the mind flayers within the area which you can either agree to help or not.

Astarion's Companion Quest

Astarion Companion Guide: Romance, Builds, and Approval | Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)|Game8 (5)Heads up! Spoilers ahead for majority of BG3's main story beats. Proceed at your own risk, adventurer. You have been warned!

The Pale Elf Walkthrough

Astarion's companion quest, The Pale Elf, will revolve around his vampiric master - Cazador Szarr. Help Astarion gain power as he prepares to confront his former master in a bid for true freedom.

  1. Find the Exsanguinated Boar
  2. Allow or Forbid Astarion's Bite
  3. Confront Gandrel of the Gur
  4. Learn More About Astarion's Scars
  5. Learn About Cazador's Ritual
  6. Speak to the Gur in Rivington
  7. Confront the Vampire Spawn
  8. Fend Off a Vampire Ambush
  9. Go to Cazador Szarr's Palace
  10. Defeat Cazador Szarr
  11. Deal with the Rite of Profane Ascension

Find the Exsanguinated Boar

After you recruit Astarion and take a Long Rest, you will notice an Exsanguinated Boar on the road leading into the Forest. While the spawn location may vary, it will always appear after recruiting Astarion, giving you a hint regarding his true nature.

If you have Astarion in your party when you find the boar, he will try to deflect suspicion if you decide to investigate the carcass.

Allow or Forbid Astarion from Drinking Your Blood

Astarion Companion Guide: Romance, Builds, and Approval | Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)|Game8 (6)

After performing 3 Long Rests, Astarion will attempt to bite you in camp in order to suck your blood. You can choose to allow or forbid him from continuing during the encounter. As long as you don't run Astarion out of your camp, he will wake up the next day with a new unique action called Vampire Bite.

What Happens if You Let Astarion Drink Your Blood?

Astarion Companion Guide: Romance, Builds, and Approval | Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)|Game8 (7)

If you do decide to let Astarion drink your blood, you will get a debuff called Bloodless upon waking up. This is a temporary condition that imposes a -1 to all of your Saving Throws and Ability Checks, and it can only be cured by taking another Long Rest.

Astarion, on the other hand, will wake up with the Happy Buff. This does the opposite of Bloodless, giving Astarion a +1 bonus to all his Saving Throws and Ability Checks.

How to Revive Fallen Allies

What Happens if You Let Astarion Continue Drinking Your Blood?

Players who chose to let Astarion drink their blood will notice that they have dialogue options that force Astarion off after he takes a sip. If you fail both sets of either Persuasion and Strength Checks, Astarion will suck you dry. Naturally, this kills off your character.

In the morning, players will need to use a Revivify Scroll, a Revivify Spell, or pay Withers for a resurrection in order to play the character that died during the night.

What Happens if You Choose the Melee Option?

Astarion Companion Guide: Romance, Builds, and Approval | Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)|Game8 (8)

Players who do not take kindly to night visitors of the vampiric kind can opt to choose the Melee Attack option (DC14 Strength Check). However, this action will have dire consequences should you pass or fail.

If you pass the Strength Check, you stab Astarion through the heart with a wooden stake, permanently killing him for the rest of the playthrough. If you fail, Astarion will flee from camp and never return, locking him out of your party, permanently.

Confront Gandrel Near Auntie Ethel's Teahouse

Astarion Companion Guide: Romance, Builds, and Approval | Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)|Game8 (9)

The next unique interaction in the Pale Elf companion questline is the Gandrel encounter near Auntie Ethel's Teahouse during Act 1. Gandrel is a monster hunter looking for Astarion. You can speak to him and choose to either tell him about Astarion or deflect suspicion.

If you want to keep Astarion in your party, you will need to avoid telling Gandrel about Astarion's whereabouts. Otherwise, Gandrel will either take Astarion or Astarion will leave your camp for good.

What Happens if You Spare Gandrel?

While Astarion initially believes Gandrel is hunting him down under Cazador's orders, the real reason is much more tragic as you'll find out later in Act 3. If you chose to leave Gandrel on his own during Act 1, he will later be found at the Gur Camp in Rivington once you reach the outskirts of Baldur's Gate.

Make a Deal with Raphael to Learn About Astarion's Scars

Upon reaching Act 2, you will encounter Raphael in Last Light Inn. If you have Astarion in your party, the devil will comment about Astarion's scars and hint at knowing what they're for. Later on, if you encounter Raphael outside the Thorm Mausoleum (with Astarion still in your party), he will try to strike a deal.

Complete the Raphael's Old Enemy side quest to fulfill your end of the deal and learn more about Astarion's scars. Raphael should appear during your first Long Rest after you kill Yurgir in the Gauntlet of Shar.

How to Kill Yurgir (Orthon)

Astarion's Scars Can be Seen as Early as Act 1

If you decided to sleep with Astarion after saving the Druid Grove, you will be able to see the scars on his back as soon as morning comes. You can ask him about it but he won't really know what they mean until you complete the deal with Raphael in Act 2.

Learn About Cazador's Rite of Profane Ascension

During the conversation with Raphael, the devil will reveal that Astarion's scars are part of a ritual circle that Cazador needs to perform the Rite of Profane Ascension. If successful, the rite will ascend Cazador into a vampire who has both the appetites of men and the ability to function in the sun.

This revelation sets the stage for the final act of Astarion's companion quest. Once you know of the rite, you will need to decide whether to stop it completely or help Astarion take over the rite and become an Ascended Vampire in Cazador's place.

Speak to the Gur in Rivington

Upon reaching Act 3, players will arrive at Rivington. There, they can find a Gur camp where Astarion's crimes will be laid bare. If you have Astarion in your party, the leader of the Gur will ask you to rescue their tribe's children. Apparently, prior to being infected, Astarion had helped in kidnapping the children under Cazador's orders.

Confront Astarion's Kin in Fraygo's Flophouse

Next on your agenda is to find and confront Astarion's fellow vampire spawn at the second floor of Fraygo's Flophouse in Wyrm's Crossing. Interrogate them regarding Cazador's plans to move Astarion's companion quest forward.

Fend Off a Vampire Spawn Ambush in Camp

Astarion Companion Guide: Romance, Builds, and Approval | Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)|Game8 (10)

After you meet with Astarion's kin, they will ambush you once you perform a Long Rest. Defeat them in order to prevent them from taking Astarion to Cazador's Palace. Once defeated, Astarion will have them running back to their master by threatening to become the ascended vampire.

Go to Cazador Szarr's Palace

Once you gain access to Baldur's Gate, you can immediately seek to challenge Cazador Szarr by finding and entering his palace in the Lower City. Players can find it easily by entering the same structure that has the Lower City Central Wall Waypoint.

How to Get to Cazador's Palace

Defeat Cazador Szarr

Astarion Companion Guide: Romance, Builds, and Approval | Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)|Game8 (11)

Explore Cazador's Palace. Once you find the ritual area located underneath the palace, you can challenge Cazador Szarr alongside Astarion. However, do note that if you bring Astarion with you, Cazador will immediately control him and immobilize him as part of the ritual.

To rescue Astarion, you will need to either deal with Cazador as a 3-man party, or make your way to Astarion's immobilized form and use the Help class action to return him to fighting form.

Deal with Cazador's Aborted Ritual

Once you've defeated Cazador Szarr, the only thing left is to deal with the Rite of Profane Ascension. Astarion will have to pick between continuing the ritual with him as the benefactor or aborting the ritual and freeing all the spawns and thralls. Regardless of your choice, completing this step will wrap up Astarion's companion quest, the Pale Elf.

What Happens if You Stop the Ritual Entirely?

If you stop the ritual entirely, all the victims of Cazador Szarr will be released. This unleashes 7000 vampire spawn into the Underdark of Faerun. Any long-term ramifications are left unexplored and are instead left to the player's imagination.

Note: This will also affect Astarion's ending if you choose to destroy all the tadpoles at the end of Baldur's Gate 3. When this happens, Astarion will start burning up in the morning sun, prompting him to leave your party as the game wraps up the story.

What Happens if You Don't Rescue the Gur Children?

Astarion Companion Guide: Romance, Builds, and Approval | Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)|Game8 (12)

If you decide to go through the ritual, the Gur Children (who were all turned into vampire spawn) will all die. This means the Gur warriors you spoke to in Rivington will confront and fight you as soon as you try exiting Cazador's ritual area.

Astarion Romance and Approval Guide

Increase Astarion's Approval by Being Selfish and sad*stic

Prior to meeting his victims in Act 3, Astarion will be a very selfish individual. He will often prioritize his needs over others while taking joy at crushing the weak (mirroring how Cazador treated him as a vampire spawn). When choosing dialogue options, being selfish and demeaning will usually garner his approval.

Additionally, making decisions that directly benefit Astarion will net you his approval. This can range from giving him the Necromancy of Thay, to suggesting that you should harness the power of the tadpoles to become even stronger.

Actions that Give Approval

Astarion Companion Guide: Romance, Builds, and Approval | Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)|Game8 (13)Notice from Game8 This section is currently under construction. Check back later, as we'll add more info for Approval Actions of Baldur's Gate 3!

Actions that Give Disapproval

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Best Builds for Astarion

Best Subclasses for Astarion

Thief for an Upgraded Rogue Gameplay

The Thief is perhaps the easiest and best subclass to lean into if you're using Astarion since it offers both a direct upgrade in combat (more Bonus Actions equals more sneak attack spam) and more utility in the form of skill expertise.

If you want an Astarion that can hit hard but also function as a living skeleton key, then you can never go wrong by choosing the Thief subclass for your Rogue.

Thief Subclass Guide

Arcane Trickster for a Spellcasting Rogue

If you want Astarion to be a slippery and sneaky spellcaster, Arcane Trickster will probably be right up your alley. This subclass will offer much more mobility and defense via spells, allowing you to be more effective in combat as a Rogue.

Also, since Astarion already has an above average Intelligence ability score despite being a Dexterity character, it will be easy to prep him for a spellcasting playstyle without having to sacrifice more feats to ability score improvements at higher levels.

Arcane Trickster Subclass Guide

Assassin for a Multiclass Build

The strengths of the Assassin subclass lies in surprise attacks and its first-turn actions at the start of combat. While underwhelming at first glance, this pairs well if you multiclass it into something like a Ranger Gloom Stalker at higher levels since that particular subclass only lacks the Sneak Attack action to truly shine.

Assassin Subclass Guide

Best Equipment for Astarion

  • Armor: Light Armor that gives bonuses or advantage to Stealth Checks.
  • Melee Weapons: Light Finesse weapons like Daggers and Shortswords since these can be dual-wielded.
  • Ranged Weapons: Shortbows or Longbows.

Baldur's Gate 3 Related Guides

Astarion Companion Guide: Romance, Builds, and Approval | Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)|Game8 (15)

List of Origin Characters

List of All Origin Characters

Character Guide
Romance Guide
Astarion Companion Guide: Romance, Builds, and Approval | Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)|Game8 (16)Astarion Dark Urge Gale Lae'zel
Karlach Shadowheart Wyll

List of All Non-Origin Characters

Character Guide
Astarion Companion Guide: Romance, Builds, and Approval | Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)|Game8 (2024)


Can you romance Astarion with good approval? ›

In a normal playthrough, it may take you about 20 hours of gameplay to reach this point. If his approval rating of you is high enough by the time you celebrate at the camp after the Save the Refugees side-quest, you'll be able to continue your flirtationship with him at that time.

What is the best outcome for Astarion quest? ›

Astarion's best ending involves completing his personal quest and gaining a newfound resolve, but it also means he can no longer stand in sunlight. Despite giving up the ability to see the sun, Astarion's emotionally satisfying ending allows him to live knowing his tormentor is gone and he has people who care for him.

Can you sleep with Astarion after the party? ›

At either the goblin or the Tiefling party, the player can agree to sleep with Astarion afterwards. If this is the first time the player sleeps with him, it will trigger the cutscene mentioned above.

What to say to Astarion at the party? ›

Pick one of the following options:
  1. "Oh? Do you want a little fun?" or "I thought you'd never ask." - This will lead to a brief romance scene with Astarion.
  2. "Let's just... stay here? Together?" - This won't lead to a romantic scene, but Astarion will still be grateful you decided to stay with him while he opened up.

Is it worth romancing Astarion? ›

Astarion's romance has a push-pull dynamic, where he can be pleased or displeased by dialogue choices, often involving provoking and lying to other characters. Achieving a romantic ending with Astarion may have drawbacks, but it is still one of the game's most dynamic and interesting relationships.

Should you let Astarion bite you? ›

Unfortunately, there's no completely safe way to accept Astarion's bite in Baldur's Gate 3. Astarion will attempt to drink more blood after . Yes, you should let Astarion bite you in Baldur's Gate 3, as it boosts your bond with him and unlocks his Vampire Bite Bonus Action.

Does Astarion become evil if he ascends? ›

If Astarion ascends, he loses all that character development and goes back to how he was when players first met him after the Nautiloid crash, but with the added evilness, hunger for power, and controlling demeanor. If the player chooses to prevent him from ascending, he later thanks them for saving him from himself.

What happens if you let Astarion turn you into a vampire? ›

Upon another long rest, the ascended Astarion will give the player-controlled character the opportunity to turn into a vampire spawn by drinking a drop of his blood. While this will grant them access to the basic Vampiric Bite ability, they'll be much weaker than Astarion.

Can you keep Astarion without ascending him? ›

If fans agree to help and then interrupt the ritual, Astarion will get angry, kill Cazador, and leave the party. Instead, if the player wishes to keep Astarion from going through with it, the protagonist must tell him that the ritual will kill many people and that Astarion will not be proud of what he has done.

What happens if you cheat on Astarion? ›

Luckily, you're given a chance to salvage the relationship by rolling a charisma check. If you succeed, Astarion agrees to move on and put this behind him, but he demands you not do it again. If you fail... "You can promise me the heavens, it doesn't change the choice you already made," Astarion says. "It was selfish.

Why can't I romance Astarion? ›

Once you reach 'Good,' and presuming you've already had Astarion either bite you or willingly confess his Vampirism to you, you'll be able to pursue his romance during the celebration event at the end of Act One by saving or destroying the Druid's Grove.

How to make Astarion love you? ›

After picking him up, players can let him feed on them, which almost immediately brings up his approval. If they choose to pursue this romance, players should choose things Astarion will approve of, usually things that extend the player's power while viscously and ruthlessly murdering anything that gets in the way.

Can Astarion be turned good? ›

You'll be able to undergo a DC 18 Persuasion check to persuade Astarion to be a better person than Cazador. If you are currently romancing Astarion, you will also have the option of making a DC 20 Insight at advantage, then a lowered DC 15 Persuasion check instead to talk him down.

What happens if you say no to Astarion? ›

Simply put, nothing happens if you ignore Astarion. If you walk away from his offer or simply never approach him to begin with, you can always find Astarion in the same spot on the beach, even after you leave for Act 2 without him.

How many people get rejected by Astarion? ›

Nearly 100,000 players were rejected by Astarion in the opening weekend alone, per Larian Studios, which released the game.

What does Astarion approve of? ›

The player does not have to be "evil" to gain his approval, however — he approves when the player makes choices that support independence and autonomy, and when the player helps certain characters in need. Astarion dislikes displays of weakness and does not like acts of kindness or charity that offer no reward.

Is Astarion a good companion? ›

Astarion, the party's elven rogue in Baldur's Gate 3, is highly valuable due to his unparalleled rogue abilities, especially in picking locks, pickpocketing, and combat.

Will Astarion romance a tiefling? ›

He's just playing hard to get, just like real life. Give the right answer at the tieflings' party and he'll spend the night with you. If you don't, he'll still be interested, but things will go slower. In act 3 you'll do his personal quest and that defines the relationship.

How to convince Astarion not to ascend? ›

If fans agree to help and then interrupt the ritual, Astarion will get angry, kill Cazador, and leave the party. Instead, if the player wishes to keep Astarion from going through with it, the protagonist must tell him that the ritual will kill many people and that Astarion will not be proud of what he has done.


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