Top 15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search (2024)

Twitter is one of the best online communication tools available today.

It has become more than a mere social media platform. Today, it is considered more of an indispensable tool for gathering data.

Did you know that…

  • There are around 6,000 tweet posted every second
  • 500 million+ tweets posted daily
  • And, in a year, 200 billion tweets

However, with such a huge number of tweets posted daily, finding relevant tweets from your favorite creators about specific topics can be difficult.

But this is exactly where Twitter Advanced Search finds its use. Advanced search empowers brands and individuals to cut through the noise and find what they’re exactly looking for.

Twitter’s Advanced Search makes it easy for you to drill down to very specific tweets using specific criteria to stay updated on certain topics. Whether it is tracking industry trends, uncovering hidden conversations, reliving hilarious memes from months ago, or tracking brand mentions, this tool can do it all for you.

In this post, we will explain how you can utilize the full potential of this powerful tool to fine-tune your Twitter marketing strategy.

How to Find Advanced Search on Twitter?

You can access Advanced Search on Twitter through Desktop and Mobile. Here is how to do it:

Advanced Search on Desktop

There is a direct way for you to access Advanced Search from your desktop. Click the below link to visit:

Alternatively, you can use the search box to navigate to the advanced search. Here is how to do it:

1. Input your query into the search box on Twitter’s homepage.

2. Click on “… or More” from the top center and tap on ‘Advanced Search.

3. You can also find advanced search under the “Search filters” from the upper-right on the results page.

Top 15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search (1)

Advanced Search on Mobile

Unfortunately, users cannot access the comprehensive Twitter search function directly from the Twitter mobile app. But no worries, you can advanced search using your browser. Here is how you can do it on mobile:

1. Open Twitter from your mobile phone and do a regular search using the search box.

2. Like the desktop, click on “More” and select “Advanced search.”

Top 15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search (2)

Now that it’s clear, let’s look at the various methods of searching Twitter via the advanced search.

How to Do Twitter Advanced Search?

Top 15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search (3)

The advanced search in itself is a very vast platform that lets you conduct in-depth research and find relevant information. However, at first glance, it might seem a little intimidating and daunting to many.

The number of search filters and lack of understanding of each filter might create some serious doubts, but believe us, it is not that tricky.

We have broken down these steps and extensively explained each to help your way around. Let’s delve into these:

Do a Twitter Advanced Search With Words

Top 15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search (4)

  • All of these words: You can use this field to find tweets that include words or phrases you type. Put two or more phrases in this form to begin seeing tweets that match those terms. You may search for one or more terms by separating them with quotation marks, such as ‘social media’ and ‘social media marketing.’
  • This exact phrase: This field is best if you want to search for only one phrase. For example, if you googled ‘Good Morning,’ the outcomes would include tweets with the words’ Good Morning’ rather than ‘Good’ or ‘Morning’ individually.
  • Any of these words: The field makes it simple to search for several terms. For example, use Social,’ ‘@Social,’ and ‘#Social when searching for anything Social-related.
  • None of these words: Returning to the topic of ‘how to search Twitter efficiently?’, this is a vital yet easily overlooked field. Whatever keyword or word you provide here will remove Tweets that mention that term or phrase from your search results. You can use this box to filter away tweets containing a competitor’s name or marketing hashtag. Alternatively, you can clarify things (perhaps you’re looking for ‘tea’ but not ‘tea party’). This is an excellent strategy for cutting through the clutter and focusing on what is essential for you.

Search Tweets Using Hashtags

You can find a particular tweet by using relevant hashtags in your niche.

Simply search by typing that particular keyword in the search bar; for instance, typing ‘#Android’ would bring up tweets with that hashtag.

Alternatively, you can click on the hashtag in any tweet and find more tweets corresponding to the same hashtag.

Top 15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search (5)

Tip: You can choose which language you want your search results in. Simply click ‘Advanced search’ and scroll down to ‘Language.’ There are nearly four dozen listed in this drop-down section. We selected ‘French’ to show an example.

Top 15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search (6)

Search Tweets by User

The following three fields in Twitter allow you to search for one specific user, either the author or recipient of the tweet.

Top 15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search (7)

  • From These Accounts: If you are looking for old tweets, including your own, this query box might greatly help. Just fill in the name with or without @symbols.
  • To These Accounts: This section of Twitter is ideal for looking into someone else’s profile and finding out what people are saying about them. However, provide the accounts’ usernames here to see the tweets posted in response to your significant competitors’ tweets.
  • Mentioning These Accounts: Do you want to know what others think of your brand or competitors? Fill in all of the Twitter handles to see a list of comments that mention them. For example, search (@socialpilot) to find tweets mentioning this account.

Search Tweets Using Replies and Links

The advanced Twitter search has various basic criteria that allow you to specify whether you want to view reactions or tweets with links.

You can change the options according to your preferences. If you wish to read the original tweets, disable the responses altogether.

Top 15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search (8)

Search a Tweet With a Specific Level of Engagement

You can filter tweets based on metrics like minimum responses, likes, and retweets. This tool comes in handy when examining tweets with a certain level of engagement.

You can use this search criterion to determine what tweeting approach has generated the most interaction from your intended audience.

Top 15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search (9)

Search Tweets by Dates

With this search feature, you can set a date range from the “date settings” for the tweets you wish to see. Set the “from” (starting period) and “to” (ending period) in MM-DD-YY format to select the date range. You can search for dates ranging from one day to one year period.

This will assist you in checking the details of your previous campaigns and deleting any previous tweets that are no longer useful.

Top 15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search (10)

Search Tweets Using Advanced Search Commands and Operators

Search operators is an advanced functionality of Twitter that has been around for quite some time. Operators are basically commands that let you filter results by accounts, hashtags, keywords, and more.

Top 15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search (11)


These search operators make it easy to do deep-down research right through the Twitter search box on the website or even the Twitter app.

Now, let’s look at some actionable ways to use advanced search to turn this into a secret weapon for your business.

15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search

Knowing how to use Twitter Advanced Search is only enough if you know how to leverage this feature.

Here are 15 ways to use Twitter’s advanced search:

1. Find Your Own Most Popular Tweet

Businesses, whether small or big. They must evaluate their content and marketing strategy from time to time so they can use Twitter’s advanced search.

They look for their most popular tweets by adjusting the number of likes, replies, and mentions in the search section. This helps them understand what their audience is searching for and relating to.

This method is also useful in finding tweets with fewer likes and engagement. So you can turn your focus to content most liked by your followers.

Top 15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search (12)

2. Find the Most Popular Tweet About a Topic

Twitter’s advanced search is useful for locating your tweets and any topic you want.

You can search for any keyword and mention the number of likes or retweets you seek to find the most popular tweet on a particular topic.

This way, brands can find trending posts and conversations in tier niches and participate in them to gain engagement.

Top 15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search (13)

3. Find Fresh New Ideas for Content

Finding fresh ideas for blogs or content is another method that benefits from Twitter Advanced Search.

You can take any keyword from your niche and search with relevant phrases. This will show results with the most popular tweets connecting your search words.

You can also state the minimum likes or retweets you want. This way, brands find ideas according to conversations that are liked and trending on Twitter.

Top 15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search (14)

4. Monitor Brand Mentions

This is a chance for you never to miss any post on Twitter that talks about your brand. You can ensure that by looking for your brand name in Twitter Advanced Search and then clicking on Save this Search.

This practice is useful to stay updated about your brand and others too regularly. Twitter allows every account to save up to 25 searches.

Advanced Twitter search has made it much easier to keep an eye on your sharing and talking about you.

Top 15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search (15)

5. Upscale Your Customer Service

Another benefit of setting up your brand in saved searches. It helps you stay proactive and work towards a better customer experience.

Getting notified whenever anyone anywhere talks about you will keep you updated with the users.

Often, people share their thoughts about your product on Twitter. It is easy to identify them with Twitter Advanced Search and improve customer service.

Top 15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search (16)

6. Find Videos on Any Topic

With diverse features to derive results, Twitter Advanced Search works well when you want to find popular videos on trending topics.

Just type a trending hashtag or niche, including elements such as account or niche and tada, and you have a viral reel in your search domain in the media section.

Top 15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search (17)

7. Research Your Competitors

Businesses Every day, they are developing a way to leverage Twitter for their businesses. Researching competitors is another such method.

By searching the name of the brand you compete with and adding more criteria, such as likes, retweets, or even hashtags, you can find what is working or not working for them.

Top 15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search (18)

8. Find Industry Trends

After the launch of Twitter Advanced Search, finding new trends on Twitter has become easy. Businesses are finding, creating, and engaging with trends to boost up their online presence and reach.

You can also look for industry trends on Twitter by adding up the number of likes and comments using hashtags or keywords.

Once done, it is great to participate in the conversation that your niche will resonate with and generate engagement.

Top 15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search (19)

9. Find Influencers on Twitter

Finding influencers is very critical for which top brands collaborate with agencies with influencer databases. However, with the help of Twitter Advanced Search, businesses can start looking for influencers then and there.

It is as easy as a keyword or hashtag with minimum likes, retweets, and searching in the people column.

This search will show results of the most popular individuals in that specific domain to collaborate with.

Top 15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search (20)

10. Search Based on Locations

An additional feature of Twitter Advanced Search that probably no other social media platform offers.

This feature can also work well with other search methods, such as when you are looking for influencers. With all the other information, you can set the distance or location and find influencers near you.

Look for events, shops, conferences, and people near you with location-based Twitter Advanced Search.

Top 15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search (21)

11. Find Happy Customers

Just like how you look for reviews on Google, you can do it on Twitter to learn about your customer experience.

Use your brand name with the usual keyword your customers might mention while sharing reviews. Something like “Love” or “Happy” might help you locate positive reviews.

Brands use this technique to understand their customers and even the issues they face to upgrade their services eventually.

Top 15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search (22)

12. Find Issues Customers are Facing

No brand wants to trend because of negative customer feedback. Twitter Advanced Search helps you identify such tweets before they start to trend.

You can simply search your brand as a keyword along with basic issues your customers have faced.

The search results will show customers’ tweets where they face errors and allow you time to resolve them. This identification will help you participate in resolving such issues.

Top 15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search (23)

13. Find Another Account Interactions

Every social media platform does not provide an activity tracking feature, but Twitter has one in its Advanced Search.

It can be difficult to recall all your interactions with other Twitter accounts or businesses, but advanced search features can help.

In the search box, mention your name and the name of another account, the search result will show you all the interactions you have had with that account in the past.

Top 15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search (24)

14. Monitor Campaign Performance

Twitter Advanced Search is also helpful in understanding how your campaign is performing on Twitter.

A common practice is to use your campaign hashtags and see the top search and trending tweets. The audience’s interaction with those tweets will define the campaign’s success.

Top 15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search (25)

15. Participate in Live Conversations

Twitter is all about live and intellectual conversations that show people real-time interest.

As a brand, you can leverage Twitter’s Advanced Search feature and participate in this conversation relevant to your niche.

This is a very popular method to get more engagement and get more people talking about you.

Top 15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search (26)

You’re all done with Twitter’s advanced search feature, and it’s time for you to start.

Bring Out the Details With Advanced Search

In conclusion, Twitter is the best place to find specific tweets that can increase business leads and improve sales.

Twitter’s advanced search lets you target the right audience with the appropriate tag.

You can also use Twitter to search tweets by sentiments using emotions like “:)” after writing the word or phrase in the search section.

The main benefit of using the advanced search engine is easily finding your user’s behavior with the likes and dislikes in your comment post.

Moreover, you can find influencers for your business using the hashtag tool in the search section. You can increase brand authority and find suitable media opportunities.

So, if you’re not using Twitter’s advanced search yet, now would be a great time to begin!

Top 15 Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search (2024)


How to use Twitter advanced search? ›

Click Advanced search, located underneath Search filters on the upper right of your results page, or click More options and then click Advanced search. Fill in the appropriate fields to refine your search results (see below for some helpful tips). Click Search to see your results.

How to improve Twitter search results? ›

Refine your searches with keywords and hashtags. Enter specific keywords or hashtags into the search bar to discover relevant tweets in your search results. For example, searching "tech trends" will yield tweets discussing the latest in technology.

Is there a better way to search Twitter? ›

How to Find Twitter Advanced Search on Twitter
  1. Enter a query into Twitter's standard search.
  2. On the search results page, click three dots next to the search bar.
  3. In the drop down menu click “Advanced Search” to open the tool.

How do I filter replies in Twitter advanced search? ›

Twitter advanced search also allows us to filter out replies. You can opt to include or exclude replies in Twitter search results. To exclude replies from search results, turn off the 'Replies' option below 'account filters'. You can also choose to view only replies in search results.

Does Twitter advanced search work on private accounts? ›

Frequently asked questions about Twitter advanced search

Twitter does not allow you to search private accounts if you're not already following the account.

How to find deleted tweets? ›

To search for a deleted tweet using the Wayback Machine, enter the URL of the tweet and select "Wayback Machine" from the dropdown menu. Click "Go," and the tool will open the Wayback Machine's archive of that tweet in a new tab. is another web archiving service that takes snapshots of webpages.

Why does Twitter advanced search not work? ›

If Twitter's Advanced Search isn't working, it could be due to various reasons like browser issues, Twitter's server problems, or incorrect use of search filters. Try clearing your browser's cache, checking your internet connection, or ensuring you're using the search filters correctly.

How do I get NSFW search results on Twitter? ›

How To Change Twitter Search Settings To See NSFW Content
  1. Enter a basic search query in the search box on your homepage.
  2. Select the “More” option on the right side of the search results.
  3. Select “Search Settings” to access the safe search option.
  4. Uncheck the “Hide Sensitive Content” box to turn off safe search.

How is Twitter search so fast? ›

Its algorithm determines the most relevant results by checking through all related Tweets and seeing which ones have the most engagement. Twitter's algorithms believe that engagement equals quality. However, the “Top Tweets” it gives us might not be what you're looking for at all.

How to find someone's secret Twitter? ›

Search By Name: The easiest way to find someone is through the search bar. Write their name in the search bar and see if you find a familiar face (if there's a face). Search by Phone Number: In the same search bar, you can enter the phone number and see if there's a connection between the account and the phone number.

How do I find the best content on Twitter? ›

Follow High-Profile Accounts

The most interesting conversations happen around people who really know their stuff. I follow thousands of people, all for different reasons. Some of them are just starting out, and I want to see their journeys unfold. Others are funny, some are entertaining, and some are great teachers.

How to see old tweets of someone? ›

Here's how to use it.
  1. Visit Wayback Machine's website, type “” and add the Twitter handle you want to search. ...
  2. Enter a specific date range. ...
  3. Click the bubble you want to see, and Wayback Machine will show you snapshots of Tweets from that day.

What does advanced search on Twitter help you find? ›

Twitter's advanced search is useful for locating your tweets and any topic you want. You can search for any keyword and mention the number of likes or retweets you seek to find the most popular tweet on a particular topic.

Does Twitter advanced search show deleted tweets? ›

Twitter's advanced search is a fantastic tool that allows you to locate erased posts effortlessly. The advanced search feature allows users to find a deleted tweet with keywords. You can enter the exact phrase, specific words, or any search term to dig it out.

How to find your most liked tweet? ›

There is a panel on top where you have to select “tweets”. Then click on “top tweets” below and the top liked tweets will be shown.

How do you advance search date on Twitter? ›

Log in to your Twitter account, and go to Twitter advanced search.
  1. Enter your name in the "From these accounts" column and subheading in “People” column.
  2. Under “Dates” choose the starting and ending dates for your tweet search.
  3. Then click “Search” and Twitter will show you the list of posts from that specific time.
Feb 13, 2024

How to search specific words on Twitter? ›

Use these steps to search for tweets:
  1. Open Twitter. ...
  2. Enter your keywords in the search bar. ...
  3. Press the enter key. ...
  4. Enter your search criteria in Twitter's search bar. ...
  5. Press the enter key. ...
  6. Click the three blue dots next to the search bar to proceed with an advanced search. ...
  7. Fill in the appropriate fields. ...
  8. Click the "Search" button.

How do I search old tweets in advanced search? ›

Finding Your Old Tweets with Twitter's Advanced Search Function. You can also use Twitter's own Advanced Search feature to search your old tweets. Go to or just click on “Advanced search” on the right. and enter your username into the “From these accounts” field under “Accounts.”


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.