Advice - How to Thicken Your Lawn in 5 Easy Steps | Kiwicare (2024)

Everyone wants a gloriously thick and luxurious lawn that feels great between the toes. The problem is, most people don't really know how to achieve this. That's where Kiwicare comes in, as NZ's lawn and garden experts we've created a step-by-step guide on how to thicken your lawn in just 5 easy steps. This guide is especially designed for New Zealand lawns, so you can rest assured that it takes into account the local conditions that you're up against.

Pick the right time to work on your lawn

If you want a lawn so thick that you can mow stripes into it, spring and autumn are the perfect time to time to weed, feed, and over-seed your lawn as the weather conditions are ideal. Over-seeding is the process of adding new lawn seed to your existing lawn, to help thicken it up.

Here are 5 easy steps to a thick, weed-free lawn:

Step 1 - Remove weeds, moss and debris

To get a lush lawn, you need to remove weeds, moss and other debris like stones and leaves from it first. The best way to go about removing the weeds is to use a selective herbicide that kills the weeds to the root, but doesn't harm your lawn. Kiwicare's LawnPro has wide range of options from general lawn weed killers like LawnPro Turfclean Ultra, to more specialist solutions like that gets rid of prickly lawn weeds and Mossclear that gets rid of moss in your lawn and kills it's spores. Whichever selective herbicide/weed killer you use make sure that you follow the instructions carefully. The packaging will also tell you how long you need to wait after applying it before you can plant new lawn seed. If you have a new lawn less than 2 to 3 months old, it's best not to apply any weed killing products to it, as it will burn new grass.

NOTE: You must use a selective lawn weed killer. If you use a general weed killing product (not specified for lawns), you will kill both the weeds and your grass.

Step 2 - Mow lawn closely and rake

Before you can over-seed your lawn (add new lawn seed to the existing lawn), you need to prep the area so that the conditions are optimised to encourage the seed to germinate and grow. This means removing excess lawn length, so that newly added seeds can make contact with the soil needed to germinate. To do this mow the lawn closely (1 notch lower on your mower than normal), making sure you mow the whole area that you want add new lawn seed to.

Then rake the surface of your lawn to remove any thatch (dead grass, moss or lawn clippings) so that seeds can make easier contact with soil.

Step 3 - Aerate your lawn and add soil

If the soil is hard or compacted, aerate it using a garden fork. This will help water, air and nutrients penetrate the soil to improve root development, resulting in a thicker lawn.

Spread loose soil to fill any shallow holes and to level out the surface. This will also give the seed the best possible start as they have better access to soil and when the rains hit, there won't be lingering puddles that suffocate your lawn.

Step 4 - Sowing your lawn seed

Now the area is ready to sow/plant the new additional lawn seed. Shake the Kiwicare LawnPro Lawn Thickenera mix of lawn seed and fertilizer, or Smart Lawn Seeda coated lawn seed that's guaranteed to grow, to mix up the product.

When sowing the aim is to achieve even coverage or you'll end up with a patchy lawn. To do this apply the product in 2 phases.Check the packaging instructions for the recommended rate of application. Apply half the recommended amount to your lawn by sweeping from left to right across your garden, paying special attention to the borders. Then apply the second half by moving from the front of your garden to the back.

Once this process is finished, lightly rake the surface to ensure all the seed reaches the soil surface.

Water thoroughly to start off germination. Use a fine-spray watering can or sprinkler with a gentle flow, taking care not to wash the seeds away or create puddles.

Step 5 - Taking care of your new lawn

Water daily until the seed is established, this usually this takes 1-2 weeks. In very hot conditions, water late in the day once the sun has gone down. It is better to water thoroughly once, rather than several times lightly.

Mow for the first time with the highest setting when the grass is 5-8 cm tall. Make sure the grass is dry before mowing or you risk damaging and uprooting it. Then treat every spring and autumn with fertilisers likeLawnPro Natural Boost or to encourage growth, improve blade strength and overall lawn and soil health. In addition to fertilising your lawn, it’s important to maintain a consistent weed control programme. Regular treatment of your lawn will help save time and effort in the long run, as weeds will be treated before turning to seed and spreading out of control.

Advice - How to Thicken Your Lawn in 5 Easy Steps | Kiwicare (2024)


Does mowing help thicken grass? ›

As long as you don't cut more than 1/3 off the top, and keep the total leaf height to at least 5cm, regular mowing keeps your grass healthy, and promotes lateral growth. When you stop grass from being able to grow taller, it redirects the energy into sending off new shoots, resulting in thicker grass!

Will fertilizer help thicken lawn? ›

Most people understand that fertilization helps to thicken a lawn. However, you want to make sure that you are using the best fertilizer to thicken grass if you truly want to get the best results.

Can you put top soil over grass? ›

Can I put topsoil over grass? If you're looking for a short answer, then yes, you can put topsoil over grass and existing garden lawns. Although it's possible for grass to grow through the topsoil, this can only be successful depending on the thickness of topsoil applied as a top dressing.

How can I firm up my lawn? ›

Using sand based topdressing can improve your soil's drainage and firm up the surface. This works particularly well after aeration as the topdressing can be worked into the soil through the holes left behind. Spreading peat-based topdressing can improve the drought tolerance of your lawn.

Does putting grass clippings on bare spots help grass grow? ›

Unless you've let the lawn grow excessively long, or the clippings are in thick clumps, grass clippings are a good source of nutrients. Leaving clippings helps save fertilizer costs and thereby prevents ground and surface water contamination.

Will grass fill in bare spots on its own? ›

It depends on the type of grass. Kentucky bluegrass has runners that help it spread on its own. But many northern grasses are bunch-type grasses which don't spread, so seeding is needed to fill in bare spots. Perennial ryegrass and fescue are among the non-spreaders.

How do you fix thin grass? ›

Fertilize in spring when temperatures are above 55 degrees Fahrenheit and grass growth has resumed. A mid-summer and early fall fertilizer treatment can also lead to healthier growth. You have two main options for repairing a thin lawn: overseeding or sod installation.

When should I put down my Scotts Thick lawn? ›

Fall and Spring are the best times to use Thick'R Lawn®. Seed germinates best anytime temperatures are between 60°F and 80°F and all danger of frost has passed.

Is it better to put fertilizer on wet grass? ›

Although some fertilizers benefit from slightly moist grass, if your lawn is too wet, it will fail to properly absorb the nutrients. This includes both granular and liquid fertilizer products. You should avoid applying foliar fertilizer to wet grass because it could lead to nutrient burn.

What happens if you use too much fertilizer on grass? ›

Applying too much fertilizer to your lawn will cause the nitrogen and salt levels in the soil to increase rapidly, which can damage or even kill the grass. When this happens, it is known as “fertilizer burn” and looks like yellow and brown strips or patches of dead grass.

Why put sand on grass? ›

Basically, the only reasons to apply a layer of soil or sand to a lawn are to fill in low areas or bare areas, as a method of dealing with an identified thatch problem or possibly to cover surface tree roots. Topdressing your lawn with sand on a regular basis is not a recommended practice.

Can I put topsoil over dead grass and reseed? ›

Yes, you can put topsoil over existing grass to level it. This process is often referred to as "topdressing." The key is to not smother your lawn by adding too much soil at once. Generally, a thin layer of topsoil (around 1/4 to 1/2 inch) is recommended.

How do you spread topsoil over an existing lawn? ›

The best way to spread topsoil on your lawn is by using your shovel. Shovel out a small amount of your material, working in small areas, a few square feet at a time. “Fling” the materials with a smooth, sweeping motion similar to hitting a hockey puck. Spread the topdressing over the lawn to a depth of ⅛ to ½ inch.

How long does it take for a new lawn to thicken? ›

Depending on the exact conditions and the time of year we plant, it can take anywhere from three months to a year from the day a lawn is seeded until it's fully grown in. A lot goes on in that time, but it can be frustrating if you don't know what to expect when.

How do you fill thinning grass? ›

Methods to Repair a Thin Lawn

To overseed, mow the lawn short and rake up any clippings and thatch. Then, spread seed over the lawn. You must keep the seed moist until it has sprouted and the roots have established, which can take several weeks.

How do you grow grass in dirt spots? ›

Amend the soil with compost or topsoil to improve soil quality and help new sod or grass seed get off to a good start. Rake and tamp the area so it's level with the surrounding lawn. Use a handheld or push spreader to sow the seeds. Lightly rake them in.


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