User administrator - MitID Erhverv (2024)


Step 1: Choose "Create user"

How to find ”Create user”: Menu > Users > Create user

Step 2: Fill in the needed information under “User infor-mation”

  • First name
  • Surname
  • CPR number
  • Date of birth
  • Email
  • Phone number

In this step, you also decide if the user should be created anonymous-ly. Anonymisation only works on services that use NemLog-in as a broker.

Please note that anonymisation cannot be added later on.

If existing users want to be anonymous, you will as a user administra-tor receive the user’s request via an email and a notification in MitID Erhverv. You must approve the request. Hereafter you must recreate the user – this time with anonymisation.

Step 3: Select which means of MitID identification the user can use when logging in and signing on behalf of your organisation under “Authenticators”.

How to find ”Authenticators”: Menu > Users > Create user > Authenticators

Choose which authenticator the user is allowed to use:

  • Their private MitID.
  • One or more separate authenticators.

Shared MitID authenticator, which is a separate MitID authenticator issued by another organisation.

Step 4: Select organisation under “Organisation”

How to find “Organisation”: Menu > Users > Create users > Organisation

If your organisation has several P numbers or SE numbers, you can assign a P number or SE number to the individual user. This will make it easier to manage users.

Step 5: Fill in remaining optional fields, including "Signa-ture"

How to find e.g. “Signature”: Menu > Users > Create user > Signature

There are 3 voluntary fields:
• Rights
• Signing
• Seal generation

For example under "Signature”, you must decide if the user should be able to sign on behalf ofr the organisation. In that case, it requires that the organisation administrator has previously the use of organi-sation or user certificates.

Step 6: Press “Create user”

If you have typed the CPR number in step 2, the user will receive an activation email from MitID Erhverv. The user must follow the link in the email and activate himself by authenticating with his private MitID once.

If the user needs guidance on activating his MitID Erhverv, refer to the following guidance:

Read the section: Activate with your private MitID on the page about instructions for activation

If you typed your date of birth in step 2, a temporary activation code will appear. The user must use it when the person activates their MitID Erhverv. You must give the activation code to the user in a secure channel. Remember to save the code until the user activates their MitID Erhverv.

If the user needs guidance on activating his MitID Erhverv, refer to the following guidance.

User guides about activation

When you have created a user in MitID Erhverv, the user receives an activation email from MitID Erhverv.

If the user does not receive the email, you can send the activation email again:

  1. You log in to MitID Erhverv.
  2. Go to Menu > Users.
  3. Select the user that you would like to activate.
  4. At the bottom you can find the "Resend activation email" button, which you press.

Log on to MitID Erhverv

If you have created a user only with date of birth in MitID Erhverv, the user must activate his MitID Erhverv with a temporary activation code.You must send it to the user in a secure channel.

If the user has lost the activation code and you don't have it either, you can generate a new temporary activation code:

  1. You log in to MitID Erhverv.
  2. Go to Menu > Users.
  3. Select the user that you would like to activate.
  4. At the bottom you can find the "New temporary code" button, which you press.

Log on to MitID Erhverv

As a user administrator, you can choose to create multiple users at once in the organisation by uploading a CSV-file with user information. This function is called user import.

Before you create multiple users at once

  • You must have a CPR number or date of birth for all users to be created.
  • You have information about which user belongs to which P number, EAN number and SE number in your organisation.

Step 1: Download the CSV template for creating multiple users

In order to create several users at once, it is necessary to create a CSV file with information about the respective users.

Download the CSV template for creating multiple users (in Danish) (csv)

Step 2: Create a CSV file that you can upload

The template is already formatted correctly. Therefore, be aware that you do not change the formatting.

To create more than one user at once, creating a CSV-file with each user’s information is necessary. The file has 15 columns, and you place each user's information in a row.

The 15 columns are:

  • Aktion (Action). The cell must be defined as a mandatory text cell: Fill the cell with a capital C. C stands for "Create”.
  • The cell must be defined as a text cell and the cell must be empty.
  • Fornavn (First name). The cell must be defined as a mandatory text cell.
  • Efternavn (Surname). The cell must be defined as a mandatory text cell.
  • The cell must be defined as a text cell: The CPR number is entered in the format: DDMMYYYYxxxx without a hyphen between the date and the last 4 digits. If you do not have a CPR number, you must fill in the user's date of birth in the next column.
  • Fødselsdato (Date of Birth). The cell must be defined as a text cell: Note that Fødselsdato must be spelled as Foedselsdato in the header cell to ensure a successful upload. The date of birth is given in the format: DDMMYYYY. If you do not fill in a date of birth, you must fill in a CPR number in the previous column.
  • The cell must be defined as a mandatory text cell.
  • Telefon (Telephone). The cell must be defined as a text cell: Note that the telephone number must be entered with 8 digits without spaces.
  • Anonym (Anonymous). The cell must be defined as a text cell: This cell must only be filled with J or N. J stands for "Ja", yes in Danish, and N stands for “Nej”, no in Danish. Enter J for the user to be created anonymously. Anonymisation only works on services that use NemLog-in as broker.
  • Referencetekst (Reference text). The cell must be defined as a text cell: You may only fill in this cell if the reference text is set for the organisation under "Settings" in MitID Erhverv.
  • The cell must be defined as a mandatory text cell: TargetIAL stands for Target Identity Assurance Level. Here you specify the security level at which the user will be requested and activated. The specified level must not be higher than the organisation's IAL. You must fill in 3, which stands for high level IAL, or 4, which stands for substantial level IAL.
  • The cell must be defined as a number cell: You must fill in one of your organisation's EAN numbers, which is registered as an invoicing method under "Settings".
  • P number. The cell must be defined as a number cell: You must fill in one of your organisation's P-numbers, which is registered under "Settings".
  • SE number. The cell must be defined as a number cell: You must fill in one of your organisation's SE numbers, which is registered under "Settings".
  • Login means. The cell must be defined as a text cell: If the user is to be activated with their private MitID, you must enter "PrivatID". Otherwise, the cell must be empty.

When you’re done filling out the template, please check:

  • whether all numbers are formatted as decimal numbers, not in scientific format, e.g. 2.56522E+12
  • whether empty cells are actually empty by right-clicking and selecting "Clear contents".

After checking the 2 conditions mentioned above, save the file as (via file type) a CSV file (semicolon separated) (*.csv).

This is to ensure correct display of non-Latin characters.

Step 3: Upload the CSV file

  1. You log in to MitID Erhverv.
  2. Go to Menu > Users.
  3. If you already have more than 9 users in MitID Erhverv in your organisation, find the "Create user" button at the top. If you have less than 9 users, you can find the "Create new user" button after the already created users.
  4. Press the arrow by the "Create user" button if you have more than 9 users, or the arrow by "Create new user" after the already created users if you have less than 9 users. In both cases, you can find the arrow next to the text "Create new user" and "Create user".
  5. Press the arrow next to the "Create user" button.
  6. Select "Create users using .csv file".
  7. The “Create and Edit Multiple Users” page appears.
  8. Select the CSV file you wish to import and press "Next".
  9. Receipt for user import is displayed and you press "Go to imported users".

Step 4: The users are imported and created

The users are created, but not activated.

Learn how to activate multiple user at once

Please note that users at this stage have not yet received an activation email. Therefore, you must send them for activation individually, or send several users for activation at once. Only then will they receive an activation email.

Read either the section "Send users individually for activation after user import" or the section "Send users for activation all at once after user import" below.

When you create multiple users at once by uploading a CSV file, this is called user import.

If you create users via user import, the users do not automatically receive an activation email. Therefore, you must manually send the users for activation.

You can send users for activation individually in 2 different ways. It depends on whether the user was created with a CPR number or with a date of birth.

Find out if the user you send for activation was created with a CPR number or date of birth

Here's how you can find out if the user has been created with a CPR number:

  1. You log in to MitID Erhverv.
  2. Go to Menu > Imported users. The menu item "Imported users" is only displayed if you have completed a user import.
  3. Tick the user that you would like to send for activation.
  4. Select "Activate users".
  5. The "User information" page opens.
  6. Under user information, you can see whether the user was created with a CPR number or date of birth. If the user has been created with a CPR number, you can see the user's CPR number under "CPR number attached". If the user was created with a date of birth, you can see the user's date of birth under "Date of birth".
  7. For good measure, you should check whether the user's data is correct. Correct if you find any errors.

If the user is created with a CPR number

  1. Fill in mandatory information on the "User information" page.
  2. At the bottom you will find the "Send activation email" button, which you must press.

The user then receives an activation email.

If you need further explanation about the other fields that must be filled in on the "User information" page, read the section "Create new user" above.

If the user needs guidance on activating his MitID Erhverv, refer to the following guidance:

How to activate yourself in MitID Erhverv as user on the page on user activation

If the user is created with date of birth

  1. Fill in mandatory information on the "User information" page.
  2. At the bottom you will find the "Activate user" button, which you must press. The activation email is then sent to the user.
  3. A temporary activation code is displayed.
  4. You give activation code to the user in a secure channel.

Remember to save the code until the user activates his MitID Erhverv.

If you need further explanation about what must be filled in on the "User information" page, read the section "Create new user" above.

If the user needs guidance on activating his MitID Erhverv, refer to the following guidance.

How to activate yourself in MitID Erhverv as user on the page on user activation

When you create multiple users at once by uploading a CSV file, this is called user import. If you create users via user import, the users do not automatically receive an activation email. Therefore, you must manually send the users for activation.

You can send several users for activation at once if users have been created with a CPR number. The imported users, which are created with date of birth, must be sent for activation individually. Then read the section "Send users for activation individually after user import".

To send multiple users for activation at once:

  1. You log in to MitID Erhverv.
  2. Go to Menu > Imported users. The menu item "Imported users" is only displayed if you have made a user import.
  3. Tick the users you would like to send for activation.
  4. Select "Activate users". If some of the selected users have not been created with a CPR number, you will receive an error message. Crosses will be removed from users who have not been created with a CPR number. You therefore proceed to the next step only with the users who have been created with a CPR number.
  5. Choose authenticator type and the number of authenticators users can order.
  6. Activation email is sent to the selected users.

If the user needs guidance on activating his MitID Erhverv, refer to the following guidance.

How to activate yourself in MitID Erhverv as user on the page on user activation

Step 1: Locate the user you want to edit

How to find the users information: Menu > Users

Step 2: Select the user whose information you want to edit and select “Edit”

Update the email address, phone number or reference fields.

Step 3: Select "Update"

As a user administrator, you can edit information about multiple users at once in the organisation by uploading a CSV file with user information.

Before you edit multiple users at once

You must have a UUID number or CPR number for users to edit.

Step 1: Download the CSV template for editing multiple users

To edit information about more than 1 user at once, it is necessary to create a CSV file with information on users to be created.

Download the CSV template for editing multiple users (in Danish) (csv)

Step 2: Create a CSV file that you can upload

The template is already formatted correctly. Therefore, be aware that you do not change the formatting.

The file has 15 columns, and you place each user's information must in a row.

You must fill in at least 2 of the 3 columns below:

  • Aktion (Action). The cell must be defined as a mandatory text cell: U is filled in the cell. U must be a capital letter and stands for "Update”.
  • The cell must be defined as a text cell: UUID is a 32-digit number. You can find the user's UUID under "User Information" by going to Menu > User and then choosing the user. If you do not fill in a UUID number, you must fill in the user's CPR number in the next column.
  • The cell must be defined as a text cell: The CPR number is entered in the format: DDMMYYYYxxxx without a hyphen between the date and the last 4 digits. If you do not fill in a CPR number, you must fill in the user's UUID number in the previous column.

All other fields are optional. You only fill in the cells where information needs to be updated.

After completing the steps above, save the file as (via file type) a CSV file (semicolon separated) (*.csv).

If you need a detailed description of the columns in the template, find the guide "Create several users at once" above.

Step 3: Upload the CSV file

  1. You log in to MitID Erhverv.
  2. Go to Menu > Users.
  3. If you already have more than 9 users in MitID Erhverv in your organisation, find the "Create user" button at the top. If you have less than 9 users, you can find the "Create new user" button after the already created users.
  4. Press the arrow by the "Create user" button if you have more than 9 users, or the arrow by "Create new user" after the already created users if you have less than 9 users. In both cases, you can find the arrow next to the text "Create new user" and "Create user".
  5. Press the arrow next to the "Create user" button.
  6. Select "Create users using .csv-file".
  7. The “Create and edit Multiple Users” page appears.
  8. Select the CSV file you wish to import and press "Next".
  9. Receipt is displayed.

Step 1: Go to “Authenticators”

How to get to "Authenticators": Menu > Users > Select user > User information > Authenticators

Step 2: Assign or delete the user's authenticator

You can assign or remove use of:

  • private MitID
  • one or more separate MitID authenticators
  • shared authenticators
  • local authenticators.

Note that the organisation’s guideline determines choices of the au-thenticators, which may affect your choices.

Learn about MitID authenticators

Step 1: Go to “Organisation”

How to get to "Organisation": Menu > Users > Select user > User information > Authenticators

Step 2: Assign P number or SE number

  • Select the p number (location) the user is associated with.
  • Select the SE number the user primarily works under. It can facilitate the administration of users.

How to get to “History”: Menu > Users > Select users > User information > History

In the overview, you can see the last 200 user activities. You can also see older user activities, or activities done in a certain period, by selecting dates.

In the search field, you can also search for a specific type of activity.

Step 1: Go to “Deactivate user”

How to get to “Deactivate user”: Menu > Users > Select users > User information > Deactivate user

Step 2: Deactivate the user

Choose "Deactivate user". Here you can set a deactivation period, e.g., when a user takes maternity leave. Then choose “Deactivate” to complete the deactivation.

You can always reactivate a user again.

The user has not yet been deleted at this stage. If the user is to be deleted, go to Step 3 below.

Step 3: Go to “Delete user”

Choose “Delete user” and press “OK” to complete the deletion. Please note that you cannot reactivate a user once it has been deleted.

Step 1: Go to “Deactivate user”

As a user administrator, you can delete multiple users at once by uploading af CSV-file with user information.

Before deleting multiple users at once

You must have a UUID number or CPR number for users that you would like to delete.

Step 1: Download the template for the CSV file

To delete information about multiplel users at once, it is necessary to create a CSV file with user information.

Download the CSV template for deleting multiple users (in Danish) (csv)

Step 2: Make a CSV-file you can upload

The template is already formatted correctly. Therefore, be aware that you do not change the formatting.

The template has 15 columns, and you place each user's information in a row.

You must fill in at least 2 of the 3 columns below:

  • Aktion (Action). The cell must be defined as a mandatory text cell: D is filled in the cell. D must be a capital letter and stands for "Delete”.
  • The cell must be defined as a text cell: UUID is a 32-digit number. You can find the user's UUID under "User Information" by going to Menu > User and then choosing the user. If you do not fill in a UUID number, you must fill in the user's CPR number in the next column.
  • The cell must be defined as a text cell: The CPR number is entered in the format: DDMMYYYYxxxx without a hyphen between the date and the last 4 digits. If you do not fill in a CPR number, you must fill in the user's UUID number in the previous column.

After completing the steps above, save the file as (via file type) a CSV file (semicolon separated) (*.csv).

If you want to see a detailed description of the columns in the template, find the guide "Create several users at once" above.

Step 3: Upload the CSV file

  1. You log in to MitID Erhverv.
  2. Go to Menu > Users.
  3. If you already have more than 9 users in MitID Erhverv in your organisation, find the "Create user" button at the top. If you have less than 9 users, you can find the "Create new user" button after the already created users.
  4. Press the arrow by the "Create user" button if you have more than 9 users, or the arrow by "Create new user" after the already created users if you have less than 9 users. In both cases, you can find the arrow next to the text "Create new user" and "Create user".
  5. Press the arrow next to the "Create user" button.
  6. Select "Edit users using .csv-file".
  7. The “Create and edit Multiple Users” page appears.
  8. Select the CSV file you wish to import and press "Next".
  9. Receipt is displayed.
User administrator - MitID Erhverv (2024)


Can you have MitID on two phones? ›

You can have MitID installed on three devices but remember the following: Only install the MitID app on the smartphone or tablet that you control. It could be your private smartphone, your work phone, and the family tablet. Remember to protect your PIN code for MitID app.

How do I contact MitID? ›

Contact MitID Support on +45 33 98 00 10 or write to us.

How do I transfer my MitID to another phone? ›

You can copy your MitID app to another phone or tablet by scanning a QR code from your existing MitID. With this feature, you can easily and quickly activate a new MitID app, for example, if you get a new phone or tablet. You can activate your MitID app by scanning your passport in the new app.

What is the alternative to MitID? ›

MitID is first and foremost an app to be used with your smartphone or tablet. If the app is not a good fit for you, then you can use an alternative: code reader, audio code reader or chip.

Why is MitID not working? ›

You may experience errors when logging in with MitID if you have a private MitID with a MitID Erhverv attached, and this is not set up correctly. You can check your setup by contacting MitID support here. Read here for more information about MitID Erhverv. If you have chosen the wrong MitID, login will fail.

Who owns MitID? ›

MitID - developed and owned by the public sector and financial institutions.

What is MitID user ID? ›

Your MitID user ID is your digital identity when you log on or approve using MitID. You create your user ID, when you get your MitID. You can change yor user ID anytime on Your user ID is personal and unique - two people cannot have the same user ID.

Can two people work on MIT App Inventor at the same time? ›

You can use . It has login with code feature. Anyone having that can login to a particular account and work on projects. But, only one active session at a time.

Can I have 2 phones on one account? ›

Answer is YES if you manage to CLONE the Sim card. But, only one cellphone will be operational at a time. It is equivalent to saying you move the sim from one phone to another for use. Generally, one account is associated with one number.

Can you have MFA on two phones? ›

MFA Now Supports Multiple Authenticator Apps

Although this is a real benefit to MSPs and people who need access from say two individuals devices, it should be used by the minimum amount of devices required as it does reduce the security slightly.

Can you have two phones with the same information? ›

Typically, a phone number is unique to a single SIM card or device. However, services like call forwarding or using multiple devices with the same number through apps or certain carrier features can make it seem like the same number is on two phones.


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Author: Jamar Nader

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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.