[Top 10] Plants vs. Zombies Best Characters That Are Excellent (2025)

There are many interesting characters in Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare that are worth discussing. Keep reading if you want to know more about them!

The Plants vs. Zombies franchise has branched out and gifted us with Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare. This game introduces us to brand new characters that will blow your mind! These characters come in all shapes and sizes and they are one of the key components of the entertainment factor of this game. Let me introduce you to these characters and explain why they are worth discussing.

10. The Plasma Pea


[Top 10] Plants vs. Zombies Best Characters That Are Excellent (1)

This plant is a variant of The Peashooter. The Plasma Pea makes use of the Plasmic Disruptor as a weapon. In this game, the weapon used by the plant is one of the most vital components.

The Plasma Pea has the following advantages:

  • His use of the Plasmic Disruptor allows him to be quite powerful. This weapon reloads in about 2.3 seconds and it packs a powerful punch. It is a semi-automatic weapon and the damage it causes at close range is critical.
  • This plant can be optimized through upgrades, making him even more powerful.

The Plasma Pea is unlocked upon installation of the game. This is an exceptional character that you need on your team for guaranteed victory.

9. The Fire Chomper


[Top 10] Plants vs. Zombies Best Characters That Are Excellent (2)

This is a rare variant of The Chomper. This plant is one of my favorites as he is one of the six fire-based plants in this game. The Fire Chomper breathes out fire onto nearby opponents and makes use of the Flame Spray as his primary weapon.

This plant can cause some serious damage because:

  • The fire that he breathes out onto surrounding zombies is very powerful and it causes great damage to opponents over time.
  • This plant has the ability to bypass additional defenses such as screen doors, coffins, and barrels.

This character is a lot of fun and extremely essential to your team during this battle. I would recommend fire-based plants in all contexts as they are quite powerful, but The Fire Chomper is one of my favorites. What can I say? He’s hot!

8. The Future Cactus


[Top 10] Plants vs. Zombies Best Characters That Are Excellent (3)

This plant is a super rare variant of the Cactus. The rarity of this plant should be an indication of how powerful this plant is. The Future Cactus primarily uses the Future Shot as her weapon.

This powerful plant can offer the following benefits to you:

  • She causes extreme damage with her weapon as she has the ability to charge it up, allowing the weapon to cause extreme damage.
  • Her weapon reloads in about 2.2 seconds. That is no time at all when compared to the amount of damage that the blow of her weapon causes.

The Future Cactus can be unlocked by buying sticker packs in the Sticker Shop. Not that I am biased, ever, but it is no coincidence that this powerful character is female… Or that she is called the future.

7. The Torchwood


[Top 10] Plants vs. Zombies Best Characters That Are Excellent (4)

This useful pant is unlocked as a reward for opening all five locks of the Torchwood chest. This plant is an extremely important asset that any player should utilize in their game. The health of this plant is unbelievable!

The Torchwood offers the following pros to your gameplay:

  • He serves as one of the strongest plants in the entire game with a health of 275! This is actually insane.
  • He uses the Wood Chipper as his primary weapon. This is quite useful as it shoots out wood chips at zombies.

The Torchwood should be one of the first characters that you implement as a weapon in your gameplay to ensure victory over the undead. Trust me, this character will change the way you play Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare!

6. The Electro Pea


[Top 10] Plants vs. Zombies Best Characters That Are Excellent (5)

This plant’s name sounds just as dangerous as the plant is! The Electro Pea is another variant of The Peashooter but instead of causing damage to zombies with normal peas, this plant causes damage through electricity.

Let me explain how The Electro Pea can be of benefit to you:

  • This plant uses The Electro Canon as his primary weapon. This weapon causes critical damage to an opponent.
  • The fun thing about the electrical part of this plant’s attack is that it not only affects the opponent that was hit but also nearby opponents!

This charged-up warrior is one that you will need on your team if you want to succeed against your opponents. It is no secret that this plant is considered the best peashooter in the whole franchise of Plants vs. Zombies.

5. The Nec’Rose


[Top 10] Plants vs. Zombies Best Characters That Are Excellent (6)

This plant might sound innocent, but wait to see her attack! This plant is a variant of The Rose. She has some serious special abilities. Let me tell you about it:

  • This plant can charge up her weapon, the Staff or Jinxing. When she does this, she jinxes the zombie that gets hit by her shots. This will cause 75% more damage to the opponent than an uncharged shot.
  • She can also be upgraded to become extremely powerful. Yeah, that’s right. She can become even more powerful than she already is!

The Nec’Rose is not only a pretty face. She is a massive asset to your team. Trust me, one charged shot from this beauty and you are good to go. She paves the way for the rest of your team and makes it about 100 times easier for them to finish off your opponents.

4. The Unicorn Chomper


[Top 10] Plants vs. Zombies Best Characters That Are Excellent (7)

Once again, do not let the name fool you. This plant is another special variant of The Chomper that I recommend you utilize in your gameplay. The extremely rare Unicorn Chomper is only awarded to gamers who reached rank 313 during their first game. This is the maximum rank. What a challenge, am I right?

The Unicorn Chomper offers the following:

  • This plant has a very special ability called the Rainbow Warp. This allows the plant to run extremely fast across a short distance.
  • The Unicorn Chomper uses the Unicorn Chomp as his primary weapon. This weapon causes normal damage, but when it is combined with the special ability given to this plant it becomes quite vital.

I can guarantee that this plant’s human-like smile won’t be the only thing keeping you happy if you choose him to be a part of your potent team. Just give him a spin, I promise that you will not regret it.

3. The Sun Pharaoh


[Top 10] Plants vs. Zombies Best Characters That Are Excellent (8)

This is a super rare variant of The Sunflower. She might be beautiful, but with the Cobra Laser as her primary weapon, she might just be fooling everyone with that pretty face…

What does The Sun Pharaoh offer?

  • Her weapon reloads at a whopping 2.2 seconds and the close-range damage is critical.
  • The fun thing about this weapon is that it can be upgraded too. It can be reloaded faster, ammo can be increased, and the amount of heat released with every shot can be increased as well.

The vital component of The Sun Pharaoh is her weapon. I would recommend upgrading her weapon to its maximum to make sure that this plant is optimized in all ways.

2. The Party Citron


[Top 10] Plants vs. Zombies Best Characters That Are Excellent (9)

What is a battle without a little bit of fun? This plant is a variant of The Citron and has a special ability. This plant is quite rare and can only be unlocked by opening Eternity Chests in Infinity time to find stickers that will unlock him.

What is so great about The Party Citron you ask? Let me explain:

  • This plant’s special ability is called Party Time! During this phase, he will gain immense speed and the damage caused by his weapon will increase.
  • The Party Citron primarily uses the Party Laser. This is a quite powerful weapon because it has infinite ammo. This puts you at a great advantage against your opponents.

Work hard to play hard, right? The Part Citron does both! I can guarantee that you will not regret incorporating this plant into your gameplay. It can only be beneficial.

1. The Goalie Star


[Top 10] Plants vs. Zombies Best Characters That Are Excellent (10)

As much as I love my fire-based plants, I have to give this exceptional plant credit. This plant is a very rare variant of The All-Star. He makes use of a vital weapon called The Ice Puck Cannon. And yes, it is as dangerous as it sounds.

Let me explain all of the benefits of The Goalie Star:

  • His primary weapon, The Ice Puck Cannon, fires extremely fast.
  • This powerful weapon can also fire the longest. It can shoot for 15 seconds straight. This causes immense damage to opponents. Just what we want!

Similar to The Sun Pharaoh, this plant depends on its weapon. It is therefore important for you to make sure that the weapon is fully upgraded.

The following upgrades are available to The Ice Puck Cannon:

  • A Cooler Cooler: this cools a puck before shooting, reducing heat when firing.
  • Ice Coated Chassis: this reduces venting time when the weapon overheats.
  • Harder Pucks: this increases the damage caused by pucks.

It is clear that this character is essential if you want to be victorious against your opponents. You will not regret putting your trust in this plant’s abilities.

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[Top 10] Plants vs. Zombies Best Characters That Are Excellent (2025)


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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.