Moving To LGBT Fargo, North Dakota? How To Find Your Perfect Gay Neighborhood! (2024)

Louise Lopez( LGBT+ Real Estate Advocate )

Louise Lopez expertly guides queer individuals to vibrant, inclusive U.S. and North American neighborhoods with 15+ years of dedicated experience, ensuring they find not just a home, but a community where their authenticity is celebrated and protected.

North Dakota is generally known to be a pretty conservative state. However, the city of Fargo is surprisingly welcoming, inclusive, and progressive. If you’re thinking of moving here as an LGBT person, you will find yourself pleasantly surprised about what awaits you when relocating here…

The LGBTQ community in Fargo holds a Pride celebration annually alongside that of Moorhead, MN, its sister city. Fargo is one of the LGBT enclaves you will find across the state, and even though you might not find a very vivacious gay nightlife here, you can be sure of being part of a community that will support and affirm you.

The stunning environment, dynamic businesses, andwelcoming neighborhoods all contribute to LGBT Fargo’s appeal as a terrific location to live. Fargo boasts all four seasons, and the city always has something going on at all times!

Summer activities include downhill skiing andbass fishing. You’ll discover that the quality of life in Fargo is one the best inthe region,thanks to a strong and thriving economy and an abundance of beautiful natural surroundings. Fargo’s top-notch schools also guarantee that queer parents may provide their kids with a lot of chances to succeed as they grow up.

Moving To LGBT Fargo, North Dakota? How To Find Your Perfect Gay Neighborhood! (2)

Fargo is a trulyfabulous city that welcomes everyone looking for a progressive andinclusiveplace to work, play, and raise a family. If you’re contemplating relocating to LGBT Fargo, you might just discover the accepting surroundingsyou or your family require to prosper.

There is even a quirkygay scene in Fargo, but like Charleston, Norfolk, Durham, Columbia, and other mid-sized cities in the United States, it is rather low-key, especially when compared to Chicago or Phoenix. This is why a gay realtor in Fargo is priceless, as they can assist you in finding your new perfect home in the gaybourhood most suited to you.

Moving To LGBT Fargo, North Dakota? How To Find Your Perfect Gay Neighborhood! (4)

Even though the LGBT community of Fargo doesn’t have specific hangouts, they improvise by identifying friendly places to meet up. Fargo is also home to a good number of LGBT-focused organizations that offer support and education to the local LGBT community.

Despite the relatively hidden LGBT culture of Fargo, moving hereshould not make you feel uneasy. The majority of people in Fargo are accepting of the LGBTQ community, and you will quickly discover that the majority of businesses, shops, and services will serve you with pride.

We’ll go over what you should expect when moving to LGBT Fargo, as well as how you can make the transition easier on yourself (or with your family) and make sure you’re prepared to enjoy every minute of your new life here!

Checkyour preconceptions at the door because moving to LGBT Fargo is not what you expect…

Moving To LGBT Fargo, North Dakota? How To Find Your Perfect Gay Neighborhood! (5)

In this article we will cover...

  • Highlights Of Moving To LGBTQ Fargo
  • Does Fargo Embrace The LGBTQ Community?
  • Is Fargo An Expensive City To Move To?
  • The Best Gay Neighborhoods In Fargo
    • Downtown
    • Bluemont Lakes
    • Centennial
  • LGBTQ+ Community Organizations In Fargo
  • LGBTQ+ Community Events in Fargo
  • LGBT-Owned Businesses In Fargo
  • Final Thoughts On Moving To LGBTQ Fargo
  • Finding Gay Realtors In Fargo

Highlights Of Moving To LGBTQ Fargo

Built on the fertile plains of the lush North Midwest, Fargo provides a low cost of living, a robust, diverse economy, and thankfully, astable job market. From imaginative cuisine to vineyards,craft breweries,vineyards, and distilleries, there’s much to see and do in Fargo.

Residents of Fargo are also well aware that their underappreciated city is brimming with hidden gems. Once you move here, you’ll be able to quickly befriendlocals and spend your free time discovering them.

On top of this, thanks to an offbeat yet deeply engaged LGBT community, which congregates ata few fabulous queer hot spots in thecity’s most popular neighborhoods, securing a relocation here willallow you to meet queer peoplewith similar interests.

Almost anything your heart desires is available here. When relocating to LGBT Fargo, there are numerous things to look forwards to, such as distinctive architecture, endearing coffee shops, and boozy brunch haunts.

Let’s take a closer look at a few of the aspects that make up this incredible city before we get into the details.

Moving To LGBT Fargo, North Dakota? How To Find Your Perfect Gay Neighborhood! (6)

Beer Lovers’ Heaven

In Fargo, it’s never difficult to get an excellent local beer. Superb craft beers are availabledirectly from the tapatthe Fargo Brewing Company or bottled. Art and beerenthusiaststake part in the city’s brand-new Kegs & Canvas festival, which lets attendees sample beer and artwork in the vibrant downtown area. Two things that everyone loves are combined at the Fargo Bacon & Beer Festival.

Build Your Business

The economy of Fargo has seen a significant transformation in recent years after being heavily reliant on agriculture for many years. Today, Fargo’seconomy is expanding and is built on manufacturing, technology,food processing, retail trade,healthcare, and higher education. Fargo was named the second-best small city in the nation to launch a business or profession by Forbes in 2012.

It’s Got The Best Of Both Worlds

Fargo provides the advantages, culture, andentertainment,of a city while also offering the tight-knit community of a tiny city full of people.Everyone will find somethingto enjoy inFargo.The city isnot too big, which allowsdowntown to be morewalkable.

Thriving Arts Scene

As part of the city’s revival, Fargo’s expanding art scene offers something for both casual enthusiasts and seasoned art connoisseurs. Visit the numerous studios andart galleries thatthe city has to offer downtown during the Fargo Art and Wine Walk. And don’t forget to visit the Plains Art Museum, which hosts numerous local and nationalexhibitions.

Moving To LGBT Fargo, North Dakota? How To Find Your Perfect Gay Neighborhood! (7)

Does Fargo Embrace The LGBTQ Community?

While Grand Forks wasthe first city in North Dakota to adopt anti-discrimination laws, itloses to Fargo in this comparison.Fargo has a more ethnically diverse population.

For the most part, Fargo iswilling to engage with progressiveissues, work on them, and offer vigor to astate that is distinctively different from other cities. North Dakota has many places that require improvement when it comes to LGBT people.

In the case of Fargo, that entails backing the state’s oldest Pride celebration, as well as the LGBTQ Film Festival.

Although the city does not have any bars specifically for the queer folk,the typical vibe is relaxed openness.

LGBTQ+ residents were portrayed in the 2015 North of Normalvisitors’ bureau’s promotional video as not only a common aspect of the city’s communitybut also one of Fargo’skey selling features. Additionally, it is vocally apparent. Formerpresident of the Pride Collective and Community CenterKen Story claims that activist gatherings have grown significantly in popularity in recent years.

The city has changed and its goal is to accurately represent the contemporary world.Fargo acts as an oasis and hub for the LGBT population away from the rest of the state.It provides a break from the conservative beliefs and tiny towns that are sometimes associated with North America. LGBT people from places like Valley City,Grand Forks, Minot,Bismarck,and othersuse Fargo as a lighthouse.

That said, it seems thatFargo and Moorhead are proudly home to amore visible community in this partof the country. However, this doesn’t mean that other areas don’t haveLGBT populations in them. Even so,the LGBT community in Fargolacks any genuine social outlets.

Since there are no gay clubs there, the locals innovate by going to welcoming restaurants to meet people. In any case, Fargo’s Pride Collectiveis a fantastic resource center that may send you on the correct path.

Moving To LGBT Fargo, North Dakota? How To Find Your Perfect Gay Neighborhood! (8)

Is Fargo An Expensive City To Move To?

Besides some of your groceries, Fargo might cost you significantly less to live in than other cities in the country. The city’s utility costs and total cost of living are significantly lower than the national average. Depending on theirsize, single-family homes in the citycan cost anywhere from $140,000 to several million dollars.

Locals claim that mortgage rates are affordable, and even while Fargo’s property taxes are somewhat more than those in other parts of the region, they are still less expensive than those in several significant U.S. urban regions. A one-bedroom apartment for rent typically costs $500 a month or higher.

Moving To LGBT Fargo, North Dakota? How To Find Your Perfect Gay Neighborhood! (9)

The Best Gay Neighborhoods In Fargo

While all the media today seems to this that gayborhood is dead or on the verge of extinction. We have news for them – it’s not! Instead, gayborhoods across the USA are growing in number and diversity; they might look slightly different.

Instead of being the main street serving mostly-exclusive LGBT clients (something we now think of as a gay village), gayborhoods have evolved into cultural archipelagos, a collection of queer islands coalesced by sexuality and gender and liberal allies. And cities frequently have more than one.

Today, it turns out not all LGBT people in Fargo want to live in the relative chaos of downtown Fargo – and thankfully, they (and you!) have options.

However, when choosing where to live in Fargo, remember that some areas are more conveniently located for all the fun queer events and activities. By being aware of them in advance, you can arrive at your new residence in the gay-friendly neighborhood that best suits your needs.

Discover your ideal new home in one of these prominent gay and LGBT-friendly gaybourhoods in Fargo. Each one has its own distinct personality, a friendly vibe, and amenities you’ll love and soon wonder how you ever did without.

Give yourself lots of time to get to know the diverse areas of Fargo, and bear in mind that this city has plenty to offer everyone – queer or otherwise!

Now let’s take a look at where the handful of marvelous gay areas in Fargo are and talk about the Fargo gayborhood where you might feel most athome! Orspeak to a local LGBT real estate agentfor a more detailed understanding of the best options today.

Moving To LGBT Fargo, North Dakota? How To Find Your Perfect Gay Neighborhood! (10)


Downtown Fargo used to be the center of the city’s community and its main commercial area. This area has evolved into a mix of residential and business spaces over time. Residents of this area can currently enjoy a distinctively urban lifestyle that offersaccess to trails,park amenities,and entertainment options thanks to the district’s distinctive setting.

This urban lifestyle is best exemplified by the various lofts that are available in the Downtown neighborhood. The lofts include Bristol Place Loft Apartments, The Lofts on Roberts, and 8th Street Lofts.

The Renaissance Zone and theNeighborhood Revitalization Initiatives are thetwo recent development schemes in Fargo thathave sparked a surge in the construction of new homes and businesses. You will find detachedsingle-family homeson the edges of this downtown area.

This area offersaccess to riverside andpark amenities, entertainment options,trails, and shopping for locals, employees, and touristsin an urban setting. While the edges of the downtown area have single-family detached homes,inside the neighborhood are many more housing alternatives.

Bluemont Lakes

Bluemont Lakes community is situated in south Fargo. Between 1975 and 1986, the neighborhoodwas incorporated into Fargo. Although this region is mostly residential, it is close to two important commercial districts: 32nd Avenue and25th Street.

Woodbury Park, which has an ice-skating rink,basketball courts, and a playground, is located on the neighborhood’snorthwest corner,and Ed Clapp Park,is located on the south-central edge. Here, you will find a grocery store, plenty of restaurants, the Dr. James Carlson Public Library, and some retail stores.

Both Ed Clapp Park and Woodbury Park, which are situated in this neighborhood’s northwest and south-central corners, offer recreational possibilities. The Bluemont Lakes community is certainly something you will truly enjoy if you enjoy row andattached homes. Row houses have a unique atmosphere and charm.

This neighborhood really sticks out because of how many row houses there are. Nearly no area in the countryhas a higher percentage of row andattached homes than the real estate here. Row andattached homes make up 24.0% of the local residential real estate.

Moving To LGBT Fargo, North Dakota? How To Find Your Perfect Gay Neighborhood! (11)


Centennial was annexed between 1989 and 1995, then the neighborhoodbecame a part of Fargo. Lovely single-family homes make up the majority of the residences in this area. Numerous wonderful parks and multipurpose paths, including Centennial Park, Oak Creek Park, Fox Run Conservancy, Timberline Park,and Rose Coulee, can be found close to these residences.

Centennial Park is one of theparks that havethe most activities to offer because it has a lot of softball and baseballfields, a playground area, andan ice skating rink. Centennial’saverage rent is $1,125. In comparison to the other neighborhoods inthe region, this one has a higher average rental price.

The real estate in this neighborhood is mostly made up of studios and two-bedroom apartments, medium-sized three-four-bedroom apartment complexes, and single-family homes.The residential real estate in Centennial is occupied by a mix of renters and owners.

Moving To LGBT Fargo, North Dakota? How To Find Your Perfect Gay Neighborhood! (12)

LGBTQ+ Community Organizations In Fargo

The Fargo region is home to a wealth of options for the LGBTQ+ community. ForLGBTQ+ parents, parents who have children who identify as LGBTQ+, and peoplelooking to support the LGBTQ+ community, below are some resources that might come in handy.

Wherever you live, it is critical that you support LGBT organizations in any way you can use so that they can keep reaching out to and assistingother members of the community who are more vulnerable. After all, we are all stronger when we work together, and each of us will likely have a time in our lives when we require a little extrasupport.

Fargo has a supportiveand diverse LGBTQ community, which has helped the city become more gay-friendly in recent years.

As a result, there are a variety of LGBT resources available to community members, their allies, friends, and families – and you ought to feel free to utilize them or consider giving your support as needed to keep your new home city moving forwards! They are also a place to meet new people and find your queer chosen family in Fargo.

Community Uplift Program

The Community Uplift Program seeks to assist at-risk LGBTQ+,and People of Colorwith life issues and arrange the assistance they require. The program does thisthrough community activities anddiscussiongroups.

CUP is anonprofit organization that is openly queer. To assist locals in regaining their independence, the organizationcollaborateswith Free Through Recovery,Community Connect, and ND Rent Help.

Care Coordinators help participants set goals relating to recovery, employment,housing,and criminal histories.They also help them find the right community services. Peer support specialists interact with participants through their shared experiences to motivate them towork with care coordinators.

Parents of LGBTQ Kids Fargo Moorhead

Parents of LGBTQ Kids Fargo Moorhead seeks to connect with parents whose kids identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, gender expansive, or questioning their gender identity or sexual orientation.

Pride Collective & Community Center

The Pride Collective & Population Center was established to cultivate a sense of belonging, support education, and encourage social events for the LGBTQ community in the region. The Center is availablefor different activities,drop-in support,and socializing throughout business hours.

Video games, board games, and a movie collection are all available. A comprehensive collection of books on a range of subjects is also available for checkout.

Moving To LGBT Fargo, North Dakota? How To Find Your Perfect Gay Neighborhood! (13)

LGBTQ+ Community Events in Fargo

After moving to a new city, you will likely want tocreate new connections, meet new people, and network. Thankfully, LGBTFargo playshost to a variety ofannual events for lesbians, transgender persons, gays, and anyone else who wants to have a good time.

While there are many queerevents in the city, the ones listed here are the largest and greatest and are all worth marking in your calendar asyou won’t want to miss them.

Fargo-Moorhead LGBT Film Festival

The Fargo-Moorhead LGBT Film Festival honors LGBT lived experiences through the work of innovative filmmakers. The event, which is held in September each year, is an awesome opportunity to view and enjoy works from many LGBT artists.

FM Pride

Through community activities, FM PRIDE combines and connects people and organizations in order to empower, inform, and support the LGBTQ Community in the Fargo-Moorhead region.As one of the biggest rural pride events in the country, the Pride celebrations gather people from all throughout North and SouthDakota, Minnesota,and even into Canada every year!

Moving To LGBT Fargo, North Dakota? How To Find Your Perfect Gay Neighborhood! (14)

LGBT-Owned Businesses In Fargo

Fargo is home to many LGBT-owned and LGBT-friendly businesses you would be happy to patronize. Here are a few that we like.

It’s only normal to want to support queerbusinesses after relocating to LGBT Fargo. Making a safe space where individuals can relax, shop, eat, and meet without fear is one way to build a safer and more accepting society –and LGBT businesses are frequently doing the heavy lifting toachieve this goal.

It is crucial to support these projects wherever you reside to ensure the survival and development of the queer community. When you shop local, you are personallyinvestingin your city and community – a small step that can be transformational when people do it en masse.

Here are just a few of our favoriteLGBTQ+-owned companies in Fargo that you can support with your pink dollars…

Red Raven Espresso Parlor

The Red Raven Espresso Parlor has been Fargo’ssole worker-run and ownedcoffee shopfor over ten years. Along with a wonderful selection of vegetarian and veganfood, Red Ravenserves a rangeof espresso andcoffee drinks.

They also provide a stage for a variety of touring andlocal acts. Red Raven aims to give people more control over their lives, both in and outside of the workplace. They have fostered an eclectic setting that encourages individuality, innovation, and equality.


Teaberry isknown for its distinctive “boba teas” and for being one of Downtown Fargo’s coziest hangouts. Juices, smoothie-like beverages, and unique treats like traditional tapioca pearls, and sweetened popping bubbles are all available.

All drinks are created from scratch, which meansyou can relax on one of their plush couches and enjoy a delectable beverage while dodging the Fargo summer heat, orwinter cold.

Silver Lining Creamery

Silver Lining Creamery is popular for offering Fargo residents a unique twist on ice cream. Visit the joint for a spicy chocolate flavor, Basil Blueberry, or Huckleberry cotton candy. Whichever one you choose, you will not get disappointed.

Final Thoughts On Moving To LGBTQ Fargo

Fargo is a city that offers much in terms of exceptional educational opportunities, clean air, and lots
of opportunities for recreation and fun! There’s always something to do here and many organizations to
get involved in. It will probably come as a surprise that this isn’t the city you were expecting, but it has all
you’ve been hoping for.

We hope you receivethe freedom and security you deserve if you decide to start your new chapter in LGBT Fargo. However, pleaseremember that life is what you make of it.

The best ways to learn more about LGBT Fargo areto live in a gay-friendly neighborhood, supportlocal queer businesses and events, and join LGBT community clubs, organizations and teams.

We promise that if you go by these suggestions, moving to LGBT Fargo will be less challenging for you and that you’ll meet like-minded individuals and build up that all-important supportnetwork quickly.

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Finding Gay Realtors In Fargo

Why would you consider someone’s sexuality when hunting for the ideal realtor? This may appear strange at first, but there are numerous reasons why contacting a gay realtor in Fargo is a good way to discover your dream house.

After all, it’s not unrealistic to expect fair, equal, and honest representation from someone who comprehends the queer community’s specific needs and desires when engaging in one of life’s most important transactions.

Further to that, sadlymany people (up to one-third of Americans) still genuinely think that our community does not deserve protection and dignity in areas such as housing, adoption, employment, and other aspects of life.

As a result, it’s not surprising that LGBT people who use mainstream realtors frequently express discomfort, unnecessary trouble, unenthusiastic representation, or even antagonism or outright contempt.

Everyone deserves a pleasurable, stress-free home buying or selling experience while being adequately represented, which is why we believe you should hire a gay realtor to assist you in uncovering your ideal future home.

Moving To LGBT Fargo, North Dakota? How To Find Your Perfect Gay Neighborhood! (18)

When looking for a home, LGBTQ realtors are more likely to be informed about the diverse communities in their area and fully comprehend which ones may be particularly well suited to you. This isn’t to say heterosexual realtors aren’t competent; they’ve just never had to deal with many of the challenges that LGBT people face.

Gay realtors conduct thorough research into the neighborhoods in which they sell homes to make sure their customers are safe, rather than just being concerned with how thriving, trendy, or up-and-coming a neighborhood is (or appears to be).

It used to be challenging to uncover professional LGBT-friendly real estate agents in Fargo – and it was virtually impossible to find one if you were relocating here from out of state and didn’t have access to a local referral.

Thankfully, you no longer have to search for a realtor without knowing whether or not they are accepting of others because you can use a list of gay, lesbian, and gay-friendly agents in Fargo to do all of your homework for you.

Simply go to the page, and you’ll be presented with a free list of gay, lesbian, and gay-friendly agents who can help you with your relocation as well as other useful information like LGBT+friendly schools, shopping, storage firms, tradesmen, and more.

Read the biographies of LGBT real estate agents, then select the one who is right for you. It’s essential that you find someone who will be by your side and support you and your family during one of life’s most exhilarating occasions.

Even better, there is no hidden motive, cost, or obligation whatsoever!

Moving To LGBT Fargo, North Dakota? How To Find Your Perfect Gay Neighborhood! (19)
Moving To LGBT Fargo, North Dakota? How To Find Your Perfect Gay Neighborhood! (2024)


Is Fargo, North Dakota LGBTQ friendly? ›

In Fargo-Moorhead, LGBTQ+ pride thrives year-round with a vibrant community of businesses and events.

What is the safest city in the US for Lgbtq? ›

San Francisco has, unsurprisingly, been ranked as the most LGBTQ-friendly city in the United States. A study by real estate website Clever ranked US cities by LGBTQ+ metrics, including queer population, gender-affirming healthcare providers, anti-trans legislation, Pride events, Don't Say Gay laws and LGBTQ+ venues.

Is NDSU LGBTQ friendly? ›

We collaborate with campus departments, student organizations, university administration, and community groups to advocate for the needs and concerns of the LGBTQ+ community on our campus.

Where is the most Lgbtq place in USA? ›

The San Francisco metro area (San Francisco-Oakland-Berkeley) has the highest percentage of LGBT adults of any metro area.

Is it good to live in Fargo North Dakota? ›

Fargo, NDBest Places To Live in the U.S. in 2023. Situated along the banks of the Red River, Fargo is known for its Midwestern charm and urban sophistication. With a strong job market, affordable cost of living and top-rated schools, it's no wonder why people love living in this friendly community.

Is Fargo North Dakota racially diverse? ›

The racial makeup of the city was 90.2% White; 2.7% African American; 3.0% Asian; 1.4% Native American; 0.6% from other races; and 2.1% from two or more races.

What is the best state to live in for LGBTQ? ›

Following Nevada as the best states for LGBTQ+ people are:
  • Vermont.
  • New York.
  • Oregon.
  • California.
  • Delaware.
  • New Mexico.
  • Maine.
  • Illinois.
Oct 13, 2021

What does LGBTQ stand for? ›

LGBTQ is an acronym that stands for "lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (or "questioning"). It's for people who aren't heterosexual. It's also for people who don't identify with the sex they were assigned at birth. Let's go through each letter to learn about those in the LGBTQ community.

Why is NDSU a dry campus? ›

For those 21 years and older, supplying or selling alcohol to minors is illegal. That's the law. For that reason, the State Board of Higher Education and NDSU prohibit the possession, sale, dispensation or consumption of alcohol on board-owned property.

What is the boy to girl ratio at NDSU? ›

North Dakota State University has a total undergraduate enrollment of 10,096 (fall 2022), with a gender distribution of 49% male students and 51% female students.

Is NDSU prestigious? ›

North Dakota State University Rankings

North Dakota State University is ranked #249 out of 439 National Universities. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.

Where is the biggest pride celebration in the US? ›

As of 2022, the NYC Pride March in New York City, considered an epicenter of the global LGBTQIA+ sociopolitical ecosystem, is consistently North America's biggest pride parade, with 2.1 million attendees in 2015 and 2.5 million in 2016; in 2018, and again in 2023, attendance was estimated around two million, increasing ...

What is the straightest country in the world? ›

In a global survey conducted in 2021, on average, 70 percent of respondents from 27 countries declared to be sexually attracted only to people of the opposite sex. Russia and Hungary had the highest shares of interviewees who stated to be heterosexual.

Is North Dakota a friendly state? ›

What It's Like Living in North Dakota. North Dakota is a family-friendly state to live in. One of the advantages is its relatively low cost of living and high quality of life. The Peace Garden State is at peace with its crazy-cold winters and routinely ranks as one of the happiest.

What is Fargo North Dakota known for? ›

You'll see a few historical sites like bonanzaville, a little art in and out of museums, an interesting picture with the famous Fargo Woodchipper movie prop, and a whole lotta North of Normal fun.

What is the age of consent in Fargo North Dakota? ›

However, North Dakota statutory rape laws define 18 years old as the age of consent. If you have been charged with violating statutory rape laws, you face imprisonment, fines, and sex offender registration.

What is the political party in North Dakota? ›

Today, the major political parties in the state include the Republican Party and the North Dakota Democratic-NPL Party, the latter of which was formed by the merger of the NPL and the North Dakota Democratic Party in 1956.


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.