Do ZZ Plant Flower? Pictures of ZZ Plant Bloom in 2024 (2024)

Last updated on October 5th, 2023 at 07:37 am

The ZZ plants are beloved indoor plants thanks to their glossy green foliage and low-maintenance requirements. However, while it is known for being easy to care for, does a ZZ plant flower? If you want to add color to your ZZ plant, this article will provide tips and tricks on growing and caring for its bloom.

Do ZZ Plant Flower? Pictures of ZZ Plant Bloom in 2024 (1)

What is the Zamioculcas zamiifolia flower? Key Concepts

Zamioculcas zamiifolia, commonly known as the ZZ plant, is a popular houseplant admired for its glossy green leaves and low-maintenance care requirements. However, the question that often arises in the minds of plant enthusiasts is whether this plant produces flowers. The answer to this question is that ZZ plants flower, which is rare.

The ZZ plant’s inflorescence is a yellowish-green spadix that emerges from the base of the plant’s stalk and is surrounded by a brownish-purple or maroonish spathe. The spadix is covered with tiny male and female flowers pollinated by insects. However, as mentioned earlier, it is uncommon to see ZZ plants producing flowers.

ZZ plants are typically not known for blooming, making it a rare sight. However, what sets this plant apart is its stunning glossy green leaves that can effortlessly enhance the visual appeal of any space. ZZ plants are hardy and can survive in various conditions, making them an excellent choice for beginners and seasoned plant parents.

Flower SizeSmall
Flower ColorYellow, Creamy White, Bronze, Pale Green
Flower ShapeSpathe and Spadix
Plant Age When Blooms5 to 6 years old
Bloom DurationMiddle of Summer to Beginning of Autumn
Frequency of BloomingOccasional, not consistent. Can bloom every few years.

Does a ZZ plant have flowers?

If you’re a plant lover and have a ZZ plant, you might wonder if it will ever produce flowers. The ZZ plant, known as Zamioculcas zamiifolia, is a popular houseplant loved for its glossy green leaves and low-maintenance care requirements. But, the burning question in the minds of many plant enthusiasts is, “Does ZZ plant flower?” Let’s dive into the topic and understand everything there is to know about the ZZ plant and its flowering capabilities.

First, the ZZ plant produces small flowers at the base of the plant when grown in its natural habitat or outdoors. However, the flower is a spathe type with a spadix that is not easily visible, even when it does grow. This is because the leaves can hide the flowers, and they grow at the base of the stems.

That being said, ZZ plants are often called Zamioculcas zamiifolia and are known for needing little upkeep and being simple to look after. However, they may blossom slowly or not at all under indoor circ*mstances. You can do a few things to encourage your ZZ plant to flower.

One of the essential tips to keep in mind is to provide bright, indirect light. ZZ plants thrive in bright, indirect sunlight, which can help stimulate the flowering process. However, avoiding direct sunlight is crucial as it can damage the leaves and slow the flowering process.

Another tip is ensuring the ZZ plant is well-watered and not overwatered. Overwatering can lead to root rot, damaging the plant’s growth and development. So, ensure that the soil is moist but not soggy.

Additionally, ZZ plants prefer warm and humid conditions. So, if you’re growing your ZZ plant indoors, ensure the temperature is between 65-75°F and the humidity levels are 40-60%.

The ZZ plant does have flowers, but they are not easily visible. However, with the proper care and attention, you can encourage your ZZ plant to flower and enjoy its beautiful spathe-type flowers.

Remember to provide bright, indirect light, keep the soil moist but not waterlogged, and maintain warm and humid conditions. With these tips, you can care for your ZZ plant and enjoy its unique beauty.

Do ZZ Plant Flower? Pictures of ZZ Plant Bloom in 2024 (2)

What does a ZZ plant bloom look like?

The ZZ plant is a popular houseplant known for its lush green foliage and low-maintenance care requirements. While ZZ plants rarely bloom in the wild, you might be lucky enough to witness your plant bloom indoors if you provide it with the right care.

A ZZ plant bloom can be identified by the small shoot that forms at the base of the plant. This shoot will soon develop into a cob, where the flowers will grow. The flowers of the ZZ plant are small and inconspicuous, with a spadix surrounded by a spathe.

The ZZ plant blooms in midsummer and may until early fall. However, it is essential to note that the flowers only last for approximately 48 hours. Therefore, do not expect your ZZ plant to bloom every year. While it is possible for them to bloom again, it requires intensive care, and the flowering may be inconsistent.

ZZ plants must be at least 5 to 6 years old to blossom. While some experts claim that young ZZ plants can also flower, the most critical factor is learning and correctly applying their care secrets. Blooming occurs most often in mature specimens grown strong enough to produce shoots and a robust root system. Therefore, the ZZ plant bloom is not a showy display but a fascinating phenomenon.

The small shoot that forms at the base of the plant will develop into a cob, where the small and inconspicuous flowers will grow. To increase your chances of seeing your ZZ plant bloom, provide it with the right care, including adequate light, water, and fertilizer.

Mind that the ZZ plant blooms in midsummer, and the flowers only last approximately 48 hours. So, if you are fortunate enough to witness your ZZ plant bloom, savor its uncomplicated beauty.

What does it mean when a ZZ plant blooms?

When a ZZ plant blooms, it is a rare and exciting event for gardeners. Despite being a popular houseplant, ZZ plants rarely bloom in the wild and even less frequently indoors. The frequency of flowering in a ZZ plant kept at home depends on several factors, including how much care it receives. In some cases, blooming may not occur, while in others, it may occur irregularly.

If you’re lucky enough to witness your ZZ plant bloom, you’ll notice a small shoot forming at the base, from which a cob will soon grow. However, blooming occurs most often in mature specimens with robust root systems and the ability to produce shoots. For a ZZ plant to bloom, it must be at least 5 to 6 years old, and even then, blooming is not guaranteed.

The ZZ plant blooms around midsummer and may until early fall. However, the flowers only endure for approximately 48 hours, so don’t expect them to last long. It’s important to note that the flowers don’t make an impressive display. Some people prefer to let them be and savor their uncomplicated beauty.

If you’re wondering whether a young ZZ plant can bloom, yes, but it’s not recommended. Blooming can cause a significant loss of vigor in a young plant, putting it at risk of developing numerous illnesses. Therefore, removing the blossom and letting the plant grow is best. As ZZ plants have a lifespan of around 10 to 12 years, flowering may only occur sometimes, and even if it does, it may be inconsistent.

When a ZZ plant blooms, it is a rare and exciting event that should be celebrated. However, it’s important to note that blooming is not guaranteed and may not occur yearly. The frequency of blooming depends on various factors, including the plant’s age and the care it receives. If you’re lucky enough to witness your ZZ plant bloom, enjoy its uncomplicated beauty, but be aware that the flowers will only last for a short period.

Do ZZ Plant Flower? Pictures of ZZ Plant Bloom in 2024 (3)

Is it rare for a ZZ plant to flower?

Yes, it is rare for a ZZ plant to flower. The ZZ plant rarely blooms in the wild and blooms less frequently when kept indoors in a pot. How often the ZZ plant blooms at home depends on various factors, including how much care the plant receives. Blooming may not occur at all, or it may occur irregularly. Generally, the ZZ plants flowers from the middle of summer to the beginning of autumn when it is 5 to 6 years old.

ZZ plant flowers are unique, with spathe and spadix in yellow, creamy white, bronze, and pale green. However, making a ZZ plant bloom is a fun challenge that tests your patience. You can tell that the plant is about to bloom by the small shoot formed at the base, from which a cob will soon grow. Blooming occurs most often in mature specimens grown strong enough to produce shoots and a root system.

Although some experts claim that young ZZ plants can also flower, the most important thing is to learn and correctly apply the secrets of their care. Thus, ZZ plants are known for their glossy green leaves and low-maintenance care requirements. Blooming is a rare occurrence that requires patience and proper care.

Will a ZZ plant bloom indoors?

Absolutely! The ZZ plant, also known as Zamioculcas zamiifolia, is a well-loved houseplant for its glossy green leaves and ease of care. However, it’s a common misconception that ZZ plants do not bloom indoors. The truth is that ZZ plants can produce small flowers, but it’s rare and depends on various factors, including the amount of care the plant receives. Blooming may not occur at all, or it may occur irregularly.

You can do a few things to encourage your ZZ plant to bloom. Firstly, provide bright, indirect light. ZZ plants like bright and indirect sunlight, so place the plant in an area where it can receive lots of light from the sun. Secondly, keep the soil moist. ZZ plants prefer evenly moist soil but be careful not to over-water, which can lead to root rot.

Thirdly, allow for a period of dormancy. ZZ plants typically require a period of inactivity to produce flowers. During this period, reduce your watering frequency and place your plant in a more fantastic area (around 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit) for several months. Lastly, provide a balanced fertilizer. Use a balanced feed during the growing season to ensure your plant receives all the nutrients necessary to create lovely blossoms.

It’s important to note that blooming occurs most often in mature ZZ plants that have grown strong enough to produce shoots and a root system. Although some experts claim that young ZZ plants can also flower, the most important thing is to learn and correctly apply the secrets of their care.

In conclusion, while ZZ plants may not frequently bloom indoors, it’s not impossible to encourage them to do so. By providing bright, indirect light, keeping the soil moist, allowing for a period of dormancy, and providing a balanced fertilizer, you can increase the chances of your ZZ plant producing beautiful flowers. Remember, it’s all about delivering the proper care and conditions for your beloved ZZ plant.

Do ZZ Plant Flower? Pictures of ZZ Plant Bloom in 2024 (4)

How often does a ZZ plant bloom?

The ZZ plant, a sought-after ornamental plant, is known for its bushy and distinctive foliage but rarely blooms. According to research, the blooming frequency depends on various factors, including the amount of care the plant receives. Blooming may not occur at all, or it may occur irregularly. It is important to note that the ZZ plant rarely blooms in the wild and even less frequently when kept indoors in a pot.

To tell if the ZZ plant is about to bloom, one should look for the small shoot formed at the base, from which a cob will soon grow. Blooming occurs most often in mature specimens grown strong enough to produce shoots and a root system. The plant must be at least 5 to 6 years old to bloom; it is mid-summer when the blooming season starts. However, the blooming season can last until early autumn.

Although some experts claim that young ZZ plants can also flower, the most important thing is to learn and correctly apply the secrets of their care. The ZZ plant has a lifespan of about 10 to 12 years, but its blooms will last 48 hours after they appear. Therefore, one should expect the plant to bloom only for some years. They can reappear but require intensive care, and the blooming may be irregular.

In summary, the ZZ plant rarely blooms, and the frequency of blooming depends on various factors, including how much care the plant receives. The plant must be at least 5 to 6 years old to bloom. And blooming occurs most often in mature specimens grown strong enough to produce shoots and a root system.

Although the plant has a lifespan of around 10 to 12 years, its flowers only endure approximately 48 hours. Therefore, you should not anticipate your plant to bloom yearly, as achieving blooming may require intensive care.

How long does a ZZ flower last?

The ZZ plant, with its unique and bushy foliage, is a popular choice among gardeners. While it may take five to six years for the plant to reach blooming age, it is worth the wait. The plant’s blooming season usually occurs mid-summer and lasts until early autumn.

However, the flowering period is short-lived, only about 48 hours after the blooms appear. It is important to note that ZZ plants do not flower yearly; even when they do, the blooming may be inconsistent.

If you are lucky enough to witness the ZZ plant in bloom, make sure to enjoy the flowers while they last. While the blooming season may be short, it is a beautiful sight. So, if you want to see your ZZ plant in all its blooming glory, give it the care and attention it needs to thrive.

In conclusion, the ZZ plant’s flowers last approximately 48 hours after blooming, and the blooming season usually occurs during mid-summer and early autumn. However, it is important to note that the plant may not flower yearly, and the blooming may need consistency.

Do ZZ Plant Flower? Pictures of ZZ Plant Bloom in 2024 (5)

What months do ZZ plants bloom?

Gardeners who seek lush foliage favor ZZ plants. However, ZZ plants are not the most reliable for blooming. ZZ plants rarely bloom in the wild, and flowering is infrequent even when grown indoors.

If you hope to see your ZZ plant bloom, there are some things to remember. First and foremost, ZZ plants must be at least 5 to 6 years old to bloom. Even then, blooming may not occur yearly; when it does, it may be irregular.

The blooming season for ZZ plants typically occurs during mid-summer but can last until early autumn. The blooms last for a mere 48 hours after appearing. Therefore, keeping a close eye on your ZZ plant if you want to catch the blooms in action is essential.

One way to tell if your ZZ plant is about to bloom is by looking for a small shoot that forms at the base. A cob will soon grow from this shoot, indicating that blooming is imminent. It is worth noting that blooming occurs most often in mature ZZ plants that are strong enough to produce shoots and a robust root system.

Thus, ZZ plants are not the most reliable bloomers, and blooming may be infrequent and irregular. The blooming season typically occurs during mid-summer to early autumn, and the blooms only last about 48 hours.

Keep an eye out for small shoots that form at the base of the plant, as this is a sign that blooming is imminent. With proper care and attention, your ZZ plant may surprise you with its occasional blooms.

How to encourage your ZZ plant to bloom

To encourage your ZZ plant to bloom, you should follow these tips:

  • Provide bright, indirect light to your ZZ plant, as it prefers bright but not direct sunlight. Place the plant where it can receive lots of light from the sun.
  • Keep the soil moist, but be careful not to over-water, which can lead to root rot. ZZ plants prefer evenly moist soil, so water them when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.
  • Allow for a period of dormancy, which ZZ plants typically require to produce flowers. During this period, reduce your watering frequency and place your plant in a cooler area (around 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit) for several months.
  • Provide a balanced fertilizer during the growing season to ensure your plant receives all the nutrients necessary to create lovely blossoms. Fertilize every 3-4 months using an appropriate fertilizer for houseplants.
  • Maintain a temperature between 60-80°F for your plant to provide a suitable environment for flowering.
  • Give your ZZ plant at least 8 hours of bright indirect sunlight daily to encourage blooming.

In summary, to encourage your ZZ plant to bloom, you should provide bright, indirect light. Keep the soil moist but not over-watered, allow for a period of dormancy, provide a balanced fertilizer, maintain a suitable temperature, and give it enough bright indirect sunlight. By following these tips properly, you can enjoy the beautiful flowers of your ZZ plant.

Is the ZZ plant flower poisonous?

The ZZ plant, known as Zamioculcas zamiifolia, is highly sought-after due to its ease of care and aesthetic appeal. However, many individuals are concerned about its toxicity, particularly its flowers. While the ZZ plant is poisonous, it is only toxic if consumed. And it can cause minor burning and irritation if touched. Exercise caution, as cats are likelier to nibble on the plant if left unattended.

Furthermore, gloves are recommended when handling the plant, especially with sensitive skin. In terms of the ZZ plant’s flowers, they are small and unattractive, with a long spadix surrounded by a spathe. The flowers are whitish-yellow to brown-bronze, with no fragrance, and are toxic to pets and humans.

The flowers bloom once in a blue moon, and there are no pollinators indoors, making it slim for the plant to produce seeds. After pollination, the plant has a berry fruit with one or two seeds, which are ellipsoidal and monocotyledonous, but are pretty rare to come across.

Hence, while the ZZ plant flower is poisonous, it is only toxic if consumed and can cause minor irritation if touched. It is important to exercise caution around pets and wear gloves when handling the plant. The ZZ plant’s flowers are small and unattractive, with no fragrance, and are unlikely to produce seeds indoors.

Removing the flowers from a young ZZ plant is recommended to prevent the loss of vigor and the development of illnesses. Overall, the ZZ plant is beautiful and low-maintenance, but it is essential to know its potential toxicity.

Do ZZ Plant Flower? Pictures of ZZ Plant Bloom in 2024 (6)

How do you pollinate the ZZ plant flower?

A ZZ plant can bloom indoors, but it depends on several factors. Here are some steps you can take to encourage your ZZ plant to bloom:

  1. Provide bright, indirect light: ZZ plants need plenty of sunlight, but direct sunlight can scorch their leaves. Place your plant where it can receive bright, indirect light.
  2. Keep the soil moist: ZZ plants prefer evenly moist soil, but overwatering can lead to root rot. Water your plant when the top inch of soil feels dry, and make sure the pot has drainage holes to prevent water from pooling at the bottom.
  3. Allow for dormancy: ZZ plants need rest to produce flowers. During this time, reduce your watering frequency and place your plant in a cooler area (around 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit) for several months.
  4. Use a balanced fertilizer: ZZ plants need nutrients to produce flowers, so use a balanced fertilizer during the growing season. Fertilize your plant every 3-4 months using an appropriate fertilizer for houseplants.
  5. Watch for signs of blooming: ZZ plants rarely bloom, but you can tell that your plant is about to bloom by the small shoot formed at the base, from which a cob will soon grow. Blooming occurs most often in mature specimens grown strong enough to produce shoots and a root system.

ZZ plants can bloom indoors but require proper care and attention. Providing bright, indirect light, keeping the soil moist but not overwatered, allowing for a period of dormancy, using a balanced fertilizer, and watching for signs of blooming are all critical steps to encourage your ZZ plant to bloom. Remember that blooming may not occur at all or irregularly, but with the proper care, you can increase your chances of seeing your ZZ plant in full bloom.


Listed below are the common questions about the ZZ plant flower:

How do I know if my ZZ plant is happy?

To know if your ZZ plant is happy, check if it’s getting enough bright, indirect light and not harsh afternoon sun. Wait until the topsoil feels dry before watering, and you should water it once a week. ZZ plants can tolerate occasional underwatering but not overwatering. Yellow leaves are normal, but significant yellowing and falling leaves indicate a problem with watering. ZZ plants can thrive without fertilizer, although some recommend using a balanced one during the growing phase. A healthy ZZ plant will have lush foliage and minimal yellowing or falling leaves.

What is the white flower on ZZ plant?

The white flower on ZZ plant is a long spadix with numerous small flowers surrounded by a spathe. The flowers are creamy-white and bloom during mid-summer to early autumn. Although the lush green foliage of ZZ plants is more admired than their buds, the ZZ plant’s flower looks impressive and resembles that of peace lilies. ZZ plant is also known as Zamioculcas zamiifolia and is commonly known as the Zanzibar gem, zee zee plant, aroid palm, and in some regions, as the eternity plant.

What do you do with ZZ flowers?

ZZ plants produce small flowers at the base of the plant, but they are not very noticeable due to their size and location. If your ZZ plant does produce flowers, you can leave them on the plant for a natural look. Or trim them off to maintain the plant’s appearance. However, it’s important to note that people primarily grow ZZ plants for their glossy green foliage rather than flowers.

Is the ZZ plant lucky?

Yes, Feng Shui experts consider the ZZ plant lucky as it is believed to bring prosperity. Despite some snarky comments about its appearance and hardiness, the ZZ plant is an excellent choice for those who want a hardy plant that requires minimal care. It is even recommended as a gift for those who may not have a green thumb. However, it is essential to note that if a young ZZ plant blooms, it may be best to remove the blossom to avoid potential illnesses.

How do I know if my ZZ plant is thirsty?

Check the soil moisture level by sticking a finger an inch deep into the soil. If it feels dry, it’s time to water. ZZ plants are drought-tolerant, so be careful not to overwater them. Water sparingly, allowing the water to flow through the pot’s drainage holes and stop. Too much water is the most common cause of problems with ZZ plants. Remember, ZZ plants need consistently moist soil only in their first year of new growth.

Does a ZZ plant need sun?

Yes, a ZZ plant needs sun only for about 3-4 hours daily. Overexposure to sunlight can cause sunburn and yellow leaves. ZZ plants do best in moderate to bright indirect light and survive in low-light areas. Water the plant only when the soil is dry, and avoid overwatering. ZZ plants tolerate different conditions, but providing them with low to indirect bright light can stimulate their growth. However, direct sunlight is too much for them. ZZ plants are generally easy to grow and can withstand dry soil for a while.

What is killing my ZZ plant?

Here are some common pests that may be killing your plant and how to treat them:

  • Scale insects: Look for brown raised bumps or cotton-ball-like insects. Use alcohol-soaked Q-tips to remove them and wipe the leaves with an alcohol-soaked cloth.
  • Aphids: These small insects congregate large numbers and suck sap from the plant. Blast them off with a strong stream of water and follow up with neem oil spray.
  • Fungus gnats: These small flies hang around overly damp soil. Place apple cider vinegar traps. And do a soil soak of neem diluted in water to kill any larvae feeding there.

Remember to prune your ZZ plant regularly to encourage new growth and remove any affected leaves or branches. Use sterilized scissors or knives and keep the waste away from the plant. With proper care, your ZZ plant will thrive!


The ZZ plant’s flowers may not be well-known. But its shiny, dark green leaves make it a beautiful addition to any indoor space. While the plant rarely blooms in the wild and even less frequently indoors, there are ways to encourage blooming. Such as providing proper care and a strong root system. Even if your ZZ plant never produces a flower, its unique and stunning foliage is sure to catch the eye of any plant lover.

Do ZZ Plant Flower? Pictures of ZZ Plant Bloom in 2024 (7)

Ashleigh Evans

Ashleigh Evans is a vibrant and passionate gardening blog writer whose adoration for all things green extends far beyond the digital realm. With boundless enthusiasm and a creative spirit, Ashleigh has cultivated a life deeply intertwined with gardening, both within her blog and in her everyday experiences.

Do ZZ Plant Flower? Pictures of ZZ Plant Bloom in 2024 (2024)


What does it mean when my ZZ plant flowers? ›

Witness the elusive Raven ZZ bloom 🌸—a true sign of your plant care mastery! 🌸 Raven ZZ blooms are rare, signifying plant health and care success. Optimal conditions and balanced fertilization can encourage these special blooms. Pruning aids bloom focus, but patience is key—it's a marathon.

How rare is it for a ZZ plant to flower? ›

Although extremely rare for those grown indoors, ZZ plants can produce little white, spathe-type flowers near the base of its stalk, which is almost identical to the flowers of a peace lily. When it's time to repot and pull out your ZZ plant from the soil, you'll see that its roots actually look like potatoes.

How to make your ZZ plant bloom? ›

🌞 Balanced, indirect light and tropical conditions promote ZZ Plant flowering. 🌱💦 Optimized watering and low-nitrogen fertilization support blooming. 🕰️ Patience and consistent care are crucial, as blooms may take 5-6 years.

What does new growth on a ZZ plant look like? ›

New growth is lighter and brighter than existing leaves, creating a two-toned effect. As ZZ plants grow in popularity, so do available options. Choices range from bright green to dark, green-black leaflets paired with lime-green new growth and long, arching, leaflet-lined stems.

How do I know if my ZZ plant is happy? ›

Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light. Signs that it is thirsty include wilting, wrinkled leaves, and dry potting mix, while wet mix or yellowing and mushy leaves signal overwatering and root rot.

What is the spiritual meaning of the ZZ plant? ›

Its upward-facing leaves are a metaphor for ambition, reaching for greater heights. In the realm of Feng Shui, a thriving ZZ plant reflects good fortune and stability, making it a favored choice for those seeking to enhance their living spaces with positive energy.

Do ZZ plants ever bloom? ›

ZZ plants have clubby flowers, like peace lilies (Spathiphyllum spp.) or jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum). All three of these plants are part of the Araceae (arum) family. Often, the ZZ plant needs to be about two years old before you see any blooms, and even then, flowers can be rare.

What is the lifespan of a ZZ plant? ›

ZZ plants seem to live practically forever. Their leaves survive about six months or longer—even if you don't water your ZZ plant, it can go about four months. With care, though, they can live five to 10 years or longer.

What are the disadvantages of ZZ plant? ›

All parts of the plant are poisonous. If chewed or swallowed symptoms can cause immediate pain or a burning sensation and swelling of the lips, mouth, tongue and throat. Contact dermatitis may also occur in sensitive individuals.

What does a ZZ plant bloom look like? ›

The flowers are small and tend to vary in color from bright yellow to brown or bronze. The flowers are usually hidden among the bases of the leaves and are usually not considered particularly attractive. They can be removed without damaging the plant.

Can I use Miracle Grow on a ZZ plant? ›

A month after planting, begin feeding ZZ plants with Miracle-Gro® Indoor Plant Food Spikes to provide a steady source of nutrition. Each spike is easy to insert and feeds for up to 2 months. Make sure to follow the instructions on the label.

How do you make a ZZ plant happy? ›

Water: Water thoroughly and allow the top 5 cm of soil to dry out between waterings. Soggy soil will cause the rhizomes to rot. Despite being drought-tolerant, your ZZ will be healthiest with regular watering. Humidity: Average indoor humidity, no adjustments required.

What does an unhealthy ZZ plant look like? ›

Yellowing leaves often signal distress. It could be due to insufficient light, pests, or watering mishaps. If the leaves are more than just off-color, think pale or faded, your plant might be crying out for more light. Leggy growth and a lack of new, vibrant leaves are tell-tale signs of a light-starved ZZ.

Why is my ZZ plant crying? ›

It isn't a common reaction, but guttation is one way of helping the plant evacuate excess water around roots. It's a coping the plant uses to protect roots from rotting. Some plants use guttation to drain the soil around them like the weeping willow tree which thus is doubly weeping!


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