28 Best Strawberry Companion Plants And 10 You Must Avoid (2024)

If you’re looking to grow strawberry plants in your garden, understanding how to work with this finicky plant and avoid susceptible plants is key.

Strawberries are a juicy favorite in most households, and with the right companion plants, it’s possible to increase your strawberry harvest dramatically.

I’m going to share with you the benefits of companion planting and how specific plant pairings can help combat pests naturally, enhance flavor profiles and even boost yields.

You’ll learn about the best strawberry companion plants to grow that will transform your home garden into a thriving haven!

Key Takeaways

  • Companion planting strawberries with spinach and lettuce canimprove yield by providing ground cover, conserving moisture, suppressing weeds, and repelling pests.
  • Planting alliums like chives and onions alongside strawberries can suppress diseases, deter slugs and aphids, and enhance flavor profiles.
  • Incorporating dill, sage, borage, thyme, catnip, yarrow, marigolds, and chamomile into your strawberry bed can attract beneficial insects for natural pest control while maximizing harvest and flavor.

Table Of Contents

  1. Key Takeaways
  2. The Benefits of Strawberry Companion Planting
    • Improved Yield
    • Enhanced Flavor
    • Natural Pest Control
  3. Characteristics of Strawberries
  4. 11 Best Strawberry Companion Plants
    • 1. Lettuce
    • 2. Spinach
    • 3. Asparagus
    • 4. Dill
    • 5. Sage
    • 6. Borage
    • 7. Thyme
    • 8. Catnip
    • 9. Yarrow
    • 10. Marigolds
    • 11. Alliums
  5. 6 Strawberry Companion Herbs
    • 1. Chamomile
    • 2. Coriander
    • 3. Mint
    • 4. Creeping Thyme
    • 5. Basil
    • 6. Perennial Chives
  6. 7 Vegetable Strawberry Companions
    • 1. Scallions
    • 2. Rhubarb
    • 3. Broccoli
    • 4. Purslane
    • 5. Radish
    • 6. Carrots
    • 7. Beets
  7. 4 Strawberry Companion Flowers
    • 1. Sweet Alyssum
    • 2. French Marigold
    • 3. Nasturtium
    • 4. Lupine
  8. 10 Plants to Avoid Planting Near Strawberries
  9. Growing Strawberries is a Science
  10. Final Thoughts
  11. FAQs About Companion Plants For Strawberries
    • What Should Not Be Planted Near Strawberries?
    • What Is The Best Thing To Plant Next To Strawberries?
    • How Do I Choose The Right Companion Plant For My Strawberry Patch?
    • Can I plant zucchini with strawberries?
    • Do strawberries attract pests?
    • Do strawberries attract pollinators?
    • Are there any plants that can help protect strawberries from pests?
    • Can I plant tomatoes and strawberries together?

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The Benefits of Strawberry Companion Planting

28 Best Strawberry Companion Plants And 10 You Must Avoid (1)

There are many key benefits when it comes to companion planting for strawberries. It offers a range of benefits, including improved yield, enhanced flavor, and natural pest control.

Improved Yield

Planting strawberries with other favorable crops does more than just repel pests and diseases, it significantly improves the yield.

Spinach as an example not only deters unwanted critters but its rapid growth also forms a living mulch around your strawberry plants.

This helps conserve moisture, suppress weeds, and keep the berries clean – conditions that are ideal for boosting your strawberry harvest!

On another note, pairing strawberries with alliums like chives or onions can suppress diseases while discouraging slugs and aphids, nipping potential threats to yield in the bud.

Enhanced Flavor

Strawberries are infamous for their sweet, juicy flavor, a characteristic that can be enhanced with strategic companion planting. The companions you select play a significant role in the taste and aroma of your homegrown strawberries.

For example,lettuce and spinach plants can help provide ground cover andenhance the flavorof strawberries, while offering additional benefits such as natural pest control.

Incorporating plants from theAllium family, such as chives or garlic, into your strawberry patch is another worthwhile strategy to improve flavor profiles.

These onion-like plants suppress fusarium wilt—an infectious disease known to compromise taste—and repel harmful pests simultaneously.

Similarly,dill and sagecan distract insects away from your precious berries while attracting beneficial critters like predatory wasps to help with pollination—leading to bigger fruit yields with superior taste!

Natural Pest Control

Natural pest control is a significant benefit of strawberry companion planting. By purposefully pairing strawberries with certain species, you can deter common garden pests while simultaneously attracting beneficial insects.

For example, the allium family’s strong scentrepels many crittersthat feast on strawberries, providing an organic defense against these invasions.

Meanwhile, flowering plants like marigolds and yarrow attract pollinators and predatory wasps that help control insect populations in your strawberry patch.

This incredible symbiosis not only makes for a healthier crop but also contributes to a more sustainable permaculture farm byreducing dependence on chemical pesticidesand promoting biodiversity within your plot.

Characteristics of Strawberries

Plant Family
Watering Conditions
Well-draining soil, keep consistently moist
Mature Size
Varies by variety; typically 6-12 inches tall
Soil Requirements
Well-draining, sandy loam soil; pH 5.5-6.5
Sunlight Needs
Full sun to partial shade
Temperature Tolerance
Hardy in USDA zones 3-10
Growth Habit
Perennial herb
Flowering Period
Spring to early summer
Flower Color
Foliage Characteristics
Green, compound leaves
Propagation Methods
Runners (stolons) or transplanting young plants
Pruning and Maintenance
Remove runners and dead leaves; thin overcrowded plants
Common Pests and Diseases
Slugs, snails, birds; gray mold, powdery mildew
Companion Planting
Borage, thyme, spinach, and lettuce
Edible Parts
Edible, sweet, and juicy berries
Wildlife Attraction
Attracts pollinators like bees and butterflies; birds may eat ripe berries
Special Care Instructions
Provide straw mulch to keep fruits off the soil and prevent rot; protect from extreme cold in winter

11 Best Strawberry Companion Plants

28 Best Strawberry Companion Plants And 10 You Must Avoid (2)

Now that you can see how powerful strawberry companion planting can be, let’s take a look at some of the best companion plants to grow near strawberries.

1. Lettuce

Lettuce is a fantastic companion plant for strawberries, providing numerous benefits in the garden. Not only does lettuce helpsuppress weedsandreduce pest pressureon strawberry plants, but it alsomaximizes spaceand provides an additional harvest.

Lettuce’s compact growthacts as a natural camouflage, safeguarding ripe strawberries from birds and other pests. Plus, its leafy greens create a beautiful visual contrast when planted alongside strawberries.

By interplanting lettuce with strawberries, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest while enhancing the overall health and productivity of your garden.

2. Spinach

Spinach is a fantastic companion plant for strawberries because it offers multiple benefits. First, spinach is a compact plant that can provide some shade and coverage for ripe strawberries, hiding them from birds and other pests.

Additionally, spinach hasnatural repellent propertiesthat helpdeter garden pestslike aphids and mites, which could otherwise harm the strawberry plants.

This means you can enjoy healthier strawberries without resorting to chemical pesticides.

Planting spinach alongside your strawberries allows you to maximize your harvest and create a more sustainable and eco-friendly garden environment.

3. Asparagus

Asparagus andstrawberries pair very well together, thanks to theirsimilar growth habitsandcompatible root systems. These two crops can coexist harmoniously in the garden, benefiting each other in various ways.

Asparagus plants have deep roots that help improve soil structure and drainage, which also benefits strawberry plants by preventing waterlogging and promoting healthy root development.

Because strawberry plants are prone to getting scorched during the summer, growing asparagus alongside strawberries can provide natural shade and protection.

Together, these plants create a mutually beneficial environment that maximizes your strawberry harvest while ensuring optimal growth and flavor.

4. Dill

Dill plants make good companion plants for strawberries, offering numerous benefits to maximize your harvest. Its strong licorice scent serves as a natural pest deterrent, distracting insects away from your strawberry plants.

This helps protect your strawberries from potential damage and ensures a healthier yield. Additionally, dillattracts beneficial insectslike hoverflies, which feed on aphids – pests that can harm strawberry plants.

By planting dill alongside your strawberries, you create a mutually beneficial relationship that supports pollinators andrepels pests.

Thediverse ecosystemcreated by the combination of dill and strawberries increases the chances of successful fruit production while providing a natural pest control solution for your garden.

5. Sage

Sage is a remarkable companion plant for strawberries due to itsability to mask the smell of berry plantsandattract bees and other pollinators.

This aromatic herb not only adds flavor to your culinary creations but also provides numerous benefits in the garden.

By planting sage near your strawberry patch, you canenhance fruit productionwhilenaturally controlling pests.

Sage acts as an attractive camouflage for ripe strawberries, reducing the risk of bird damage or opportunistic garden pests sneaking a bite.

Plus, the strong scent of sage also helps repel unwanted insects, making it an essential addition to any strawberry companion planting strategy.

6. Borage

Borage is often hailed as one of the best companion plants for strawberries, and it’s not hard to see why. This versatile herb attracts beneficial insects like parasitic wasps and damsel bugs, which help control pests that can harm strawberry plants.

But borage isn’t just a pest deterrent – its edible blue flowers and cucumber-scented leaves add a delightful touch to any garden. Not only that, but this incredible plant also adds trace minerals to the soil, potentially enhancing the flavor of your strawberries.

7. Thyme

Thyme is ahighly recommended companion plantfor strawberries due to its numerous benefits.

Not only does thyme attract pollinators and beneficial insects like Syrphid flies, but it also contributes to the overall health of strawberry plants by providing them with essential nutrients.

Thyme acts as a natural repellent for garden pests, particularly aphids that can damage strawberry plants.

Additionally, thyme enhances the flavor and yield of strawberries, making it an excellent choice for pairing with these delicious fruits.

8. Catnip

Catnip is a fantastic companion plant for strawberries due to itsnatural insect repellents, which can helpdeter strawberry aphids and spider mites.

This aromatic herb not only keeps pests away from your precious berries but alsoattracts beneficial insectslike hoverflies and bees that aid in pollination.

Additionally, catnip’s strong scent canmask the smell of the berry plants, further deterring unwanted pests.

By incorporating catnip into your strawberry patch, you’re creating a garden environment that promotes healthy growth and bountiful harvests while reducing the need for chemical pesticides.

9. Yarrow

Yarrow is amust-have companion plantfor strawberries, and it’s no wonder it made the list of excellent strawberry companions. This ornamental perennial not only adds beauty to your garden but also plays a crucial role in protecting your strawberries from pests and diseases.

Yarrow attracts beneficial insects like ladybugs and predatory wasps, which naturally keep harmful pests at bay. Its strong foliage scent acts as a repellent to critters that may damage your precious berry harvest.

10. Marigolds

Marigolds are a powerhouse when it comes to strawberry companion planting. These beautiful flowers not only add a pop of color to your garden but also play a vital role innatural pest control.

For example, French marigold varieties make great strawberry companion plants because they produce a substance that istoxic to root-knot nematodes, which can be harmful to strawberry plants.

By planting marigolds next to strawberries, you’lldeter pests like aphids and whiteflieswhile promoting healthy growth for your beloved berries.

Plus, they’re incredibly easy to grow and require minimal maintenance – making them the perfect addition to your strawberry patch.

11. Alliums

Alliums, such as garlic, chives, and onions, make good companions for strawberries. Not only do they add a flavorful touch to your garden, but they also offer numerous benefits for strawberry plants.

The allium family are excellent strawberry companions because they help suppress a common disease known as fusarium wilt that often affects strawberry crops.

Additionally, they act as natural pest repellents against slugs and aphids that can cause damage to strawberry plants.

6 Strawberry Companion Herbs

28 Best Strawberry Companion Plants And 10 You Must Avoid (3)

Do you enjoy using garden herbs in the kitchen? Strawberry companion herbs, such as chamomile, coriander, mint, creeping thyme, basil, and perennial chives, can provide additional benefits to your strawberry plants and add some additional flavors to your favorite recipes.

1. Chamomile

Chamomile is a fantastic companion herb for many plants like strawberries because it acts as a natural repellent, deterring various common garden pests such as aphids and mosquitoes.

Additionally, chamomileattracts beneficial insectslike hoverflies and predatory wasps that prey on harmful bugs.

Thebright yellow flowersof chamomile also add beauty to your strawberry patch while the tea made from its leaves can be used in organic pest control sprays for your plants.

By planting chamomile alongside your strawberries, you not only enhance the health and productivity of your berry plants but also create an enchanting garden space bursting with both beauty and flavor.

2. Coriander

Coriander, also known as cilantro, is a fantastic companion plant for strawberries. It can add a burst of flavor to your recipes, and play a crucial role in protecting your strawberry plants from pests and diseases.

Coriander acts as anatural repellent against insectsthat can harm your strawberries, such as aphids and spider mites.

Additionally, corianderattracts beneficial insectslike ladybugs and lacewings that feed on these pests, creating a balanced ecosystem in your garden.

By including coriander in your strawberry patch, you create a more favorable environment for the growth and health of both plants. The aromatic leaves of coriander release oils that repel harmful pests while releasing an enticing scent that attracts pollinators like bees and butterflies to help with strawberry flower pollination.

3. Mint

Mint, a popular herb known for its refreshing aroma and taste, can also be a valuable companion plant for strawberries.

Not only does mintrepel pestslike lygus bugs, aphids, and mites that can damage strawberry plants, but it can also enhance the flavor and fragrance of the berries when planted together.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that mint should not be grown directly next to strawberries to help avoid attracting tarnished plant bugs.

By harnessing the power of companion planting with mint, you can protect your strawberries from pesky insects while enjoying a more bountiful and aromatic harvest.

4. Creeping Thyme

Creeping thyme is a fantastic companion plant for strawberries. Not only does it act as aliving mulch, suppressing weeds and helping to retain moisture in the soil, but it also helpsrepel peststhat can damage strawberry plants, like slugs.

The creeping nature of this herb keeps the strawberries off the ground, preventing rot or slug damage.

Additionally, creeping thyme releases aromatic compounds that confuse pests andattract beneficial predators, reducing pest pressure on your strawberries.

This herb creates asymbiotic relationshipwith strawberries by providing them with various benefits such asweed suppression,moisture retention, and natural pest control.

5. Basil

Basil is not just a herb to add flavor to your favorite dishes, but it can also be the perfect companion for your strawberry plants. When planted alongside strawberries, basil works wonders in improving their growth and overall health.

This aromatic herb acts as a natural pest repellent, keeping unwanted critters away from your strawberry patch.

Additionally, basil attracts beneficial pollinators like bees and butterflies, which are essential for ensuring a bountiful harvest of juicy berries.

6. Perennial Chives

Perennial chives are a valuable companion herb when it comes to growing strawberries. Known for their pungent smell and beautiful blossoms, chives not onlyenhance the growth and health of strawberriesbut alsoprotect against pests and diseases.

These plantsrepel unwanted insectswhile attracting beneficial pollinators, making them an essential addition to your strawberry garden.

With their strong aroma, chives helpward off potential threats like aphids and spider mites, ensuring that your strawberry plants stay healthy and productive throughout the growing season.

Chives make the list because they offer multiple benefits when planted alongside strawberries.

By incorporating perennial chives into your garden, you can create a thriving ecosystem that supports both the growth of your strawberries and the overall health of your garden as a whole.

7 Vegetable Strawberry Companions

28 Best Strawberry Companion Plants And 10 You Must Avoid (4)

Vegetables are a key component of any backyard garden. I’ll share the perfect vegetable companions for your strawberries that will help boost both their growth and flavor!

From scallions to beets, these vegetables thrive alongside juicy strawberries.

1. Scallions

Scallions, also known as green onions, are highly recommended as companion plants for strawberries. These slender and flavorful vegetables offer numerous benefits when planted alongside strawberries.

Firstly, scallions act asnatural repellents for garden pestssuch as aphids and slugs, helping to protect the delicate berries from damage.

Additionally, scallions helpsuppress fungal diseaseslike verticillium wilt that can affect strawberry plants.

Theircompact sizemakes them a great choice for companion planting, as they won’t overshadow or compete with the strawberry plants’ growth.

By including scallions in your garden bed alongside strawberries, you’ll not only enhance the overall health of your berry patch but also maximize your strawberry harvest through these perfect plant pairings.

2. Rhubarb

Rhubarb is a valuable companion plant for strawberries, offering numerous benefits to boost your strawberry harvest. With its deep taproots and broad leaves, rhubarb contributes toimproved soil aeration and moisture retention.

By growing rhubarb alongside strawberries, you can create symbiotic relationships that optimize space utilization in your garden.

Rhubarb also provides light shade for delicate strawberry plants during scorching summer days, protecting them from sunburn.

Furthermore, the broad leaves of rhubarb help suppress weeds by shading out unwanted vegetation, reducing the need for manual weeding.

Overall, incorporating rhubarb into your strawberry patch not only enhances yields but also promotes healthier and more resilient plants.

3. Broccoli

Broccoli is not only a delicious vegetable to add to your dinner plate, but it also makes for a great companion plant for strawberries.

When grown near strawberry plants, broccoli can help reduce fungal populations in the soil.

This can be particularlybeneficial for strawberry plantsas they are oftensusceptible to various fungal diseases. By rotating strawberries with broccoli, you can create an environment that is less favorable for disease development and promote healthier growth.

Despite being a heavy feeder, broccolidoesn’t compete with strawberries for nutrientsdue to theirdifferent root structures.

Additionally, both plants havedifferent nutrient requirementswhich means one doesn’t deplete the soil of specific nutrients needed by the other.

4. Purslane

Purslane may be considered a weed by some, but when it comes to companion planting with strawberries, it can be quite beneficial. This low-growing plant acts as anatural ground coverand helps condition the soil by suppressing taller weeds.

But that’s not all – purslane has the ability to repel destructive nematodes, those microscopic pests that can wreak havoc on your strawberry patch.

Purslane is salt-loving and can help improve both yield and fruit quality in these conditions.

5. Radish

Radishes are a fantastic vegetable to plant nearby your strawberries because they offer aquick and abundant harvest. These light feeders won’t compete with the strawberries for nutrients or water, making them an ideal companion plant.

Additionally, radishes help in deterring pests like aphids and other harmful insects that could damage your strawberry plants.

With their short growing season of about 3-4 weeks, radishes can be planted between strawberry rows without causing any interference or overshadowing the berry plants.

This not only maximizes space but also ensures you get a continuous supply of fresh radishes while enjoying your bountiful strawberry harvest.

6. Carrots

Carrots, with their slender taproots and flowy foliage, are great plants to growstrawberries. When planted together, carrots help to loosen and aerate the soil, improving its quality and drainage for strawberry companions.

Additionally, they add diversity to the harvest by providing a contrasting color and texture alongside strawberries.

Beets can also complement strawberries in a similar way by aerating the soil, but it’s important to plant them at least 12-18 inches away from strawberry plants to prevent competition for nutrients.

With carrots as vegetable companions, strawberry growth is enhanced through improved soil quality,increased pollination opportunities, andreduced pest pressurethanks to symbiotic companion planting techniques.

7. Beets

Beets make excellent companion plants for strawberries because they provide multiple benefits to the strawberry patch. Not only do beets aerate the soil, improving its structure and drainage, but they also add diversity to your harvest.

Planting beets alongside strawberries can also help increase yield and create a more vibrant garden.

Just make sure to give them some space by planting them about 12-18 inches away from your strawberry plants for optimal growth and mutual benefit.

4 Strawberry Companion Flowers

28 Best Strawberry Companion Plants And 10 You Must Avoid (5)

Strawberry companion flowers like Sweet Alyssum, French Marigold, Nasturtium, and Lupine provide not only beauty to your garden but also help repel pests and attract beneficial insects for a thriving strawberry harvest.

If you’re looking to add a little color to your garden, here are a few flowers you should consider.

1. Sweet Alyssum

Sweet Alyssum is an excellent floral companion for strawberries, providing numerous benefits to maximize their growth and harvest.

This beautiful and fragrant plant not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your strawberry patch but alsoacts as a powerful ally against pests and diseases.

Sweet Alyssumattracts beneficial insects like green lacewings and honeybees, which help pollinate the strawberries and control harmful pests such as aphids and beetles. The presence of these beneficial predators contributes to the overall health and resilience of the strawberry plants.

Additionally, Sweet Alyssum is known for its ability to suppress weeds, improve soil quality, retain moisture, provide ground cover, and protect against erosion.

Its compatibility with strawberries makes it an ideal choice for gardeners looking to create a thriving and sustainable ecosystem in their backyard or home garden.

2. French Marigold

French Marigold is apopular companion plantfor strawberries, providing mutual benefits in the garden. Known for theirnatural pest control abilities, French Marigolds aid in the protection of strawberries from common garden pests.

These vibrant flowers produce a substancetoxic to root-knot nematodes, making them especiallybeneficial for strawberries’ root health.

Byattracting beneficial insectslike predatory wasps and repelling critters that can damage strawberries, French Marigolds help create a thriving ecosystem in your garden.

Additionally, they contribute to soil fertility by adding trace minerals and organic matter as they decompose. With all these advantages, it’s no wonder that French Marigolds are often recommended as a companion plant for strawberry patches!

3. Nasturtium

Nasturtium is a fantastic floral companion for strawberries in your garden. Not only does it add a pop of color to your strawberry patch, but it also serves as anatural pest repellentandattracts beneficial insects.

Nasturtium helps protect strawberries from pests like whiteflies, aphids, and beetles, while also luring in pollinators to ensure optimal fruit production.

This beautiful flower creates a symbiotic relationship with strawberries by enhancing their growth and overall health.

By incorporating nasturtium into your strawberry companion planting strategies, you can maximize your harvest while adding ecological resilience to your garden.

It’s an effective and natural way to keep pests at bay and promote healthy strawberry plants!

4. Lupine

Lupine is a fantasticcompanion flower for strawberries, providing numerous benefits to your strawberry patch. Not only does lupine attract beneficial insects and pollinators, but it also helps protect strawberries from pests and diseases.

Additionally, lupine improves soil fertility by fixing nitrogen, which directly benefits the growth of strawberries.

By incorporating lupine into your garden design, you can enhance the overall health and productivity of your strawberry plants while adding beautiful blooms to your space.

10 Plants to Avoid Planting Near Strawberries

Certain crops should be avoided as direct neighbors for strawberries to prevent issues such as verticillium wilt and stunting each other’s growth.

Here are several plants that should not be planted with strawberries:

  • Tomatoes: Planting tomatoes around strawberries can lead to an increase in fungal disease.
  • Eggplants: Maycompete for nutrients and spread fungal disease.
  • Potatoes: Can compete for nutrients and spread fungal disease.
  • Peppers: May attract pests and diseases when planted near strawberries.
  • Melons: Cancompete for nutrients and spacewith strawberry plants.
  • Winter squash: May compete for nutrients and space with strawberry plants.
  • Cucumbers: Can compete for nutrients and space with strawberry plants.
  • Mint: Known to spread aggressively, which may negatively impact strawberry plants if they are planted too close.
  • Okra: May compete for nutrients and space with strawberry plants.
  • Cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage): May attract pests and diseases when grown in close proximity to strawberries.

Growing Strawberries is a Science

28 Best Strawberry Companion Plants And 10 You Must Avoid (6)

Companion planting is not just a gardening trend; there is actual science behind it. When certain plants are placed near strawberries, they can provide numerous benefits.

For starters, lettuce and spinach act asnatural repellents for peststhat commonly attack strawberry plants.

Their presence can also help to camouflage the strawberry plants, making them less appealing to hungry critters.

Alliums, such as chives and garlic, have been found tosuppress the growth of fusarium wiltin strawberries. These pungent plants not only repel slugs and aphids but also release sulfur compounds into the soil that inhibit the development of fungal diseases.

Another excellent companion plant for strawberries is dill. Its lacy foliage candistract insects from feasting on your berrieswhile attracting beneficial creatures like hoverflies, which prey on harmful garden pests.

Sage is another herb that offers multiple benefits when planted alongside strawberries. It has been known tomask the smell of berries, deterring birdsfrom indulging in your harvest.

Additionally, sage attracts bees and other pollinators, increasing fruit production through improved pollination.

Borage is a true superstar when it comes to companion planting with strawberries. This beautiful flowering herb acts as amagnet for beneficial insectslike ladybugs and lacewings that keep pest populations under control.

Thyme’s small flowersattract valuable pollinators and beneficial insectswhen they bloom during the summer months—a win-win situation for both you and your strawberry plants!

Let’s not forget about catnip—yes, cats love it too! But did you know that this aromatic herb contains natural insect repellents?

By planting catnip near your strawberries, you can discourage aphids and spider mites from infesting your precious berry patch.

Finally, marigolds are fantastic companions for strawberries because they producesubstances toxic to root-knot nematodes—an infamous pest known for causing extensive damage to crops by attacking their roots.

By harnessing the power of companion planting with these scientifically proven plants, you can maximize your strawberry harvest while maintaining a healthy and thriving garden ecosystem.

Final Thoughts

Once you learn which plants strategically pair well with your strawberries in the garden, you can maximize your harvest and create a thriving ecosystem.

The perfect plant pairings such as lettuce, sage, marigolds, and thyme not only enhance the flavor of your strawberries but also provide natural pest control and improved yield.

With this ultimate guide to strawberry companion plants in hand, you’ll be well-equipped to create a bountiful and beautiful garden that will have both humans and nature reaping the rewards.

If you’re looking for more information about plant pairings, check out our detailed guide to companion plants.

FAQs About Companion Plants For Strawberries

What Should Not Be Planted Near Strawberries?

Yes, some plant combinations may not be ideal for growing alongside strawberries. Avoid planting cabbage family crops (such as broccoli or cauliflower) near strawberries due to their shared susceptibility to certain diseases.

Additionally, avoid strong-rooted or invasive species that may compete with strawberry roots for nutrients and space.

What Is The Best Thing To Plant Next To Strawberries?

Some popular companion plants for strawberries include herbs like basil or thyme, flowers such as marigolds or nasturtiums, and vegetables like lettuce or spinach.

These plants provide beneficial interactions that support the growth of strawberries while deterring pests.

How Do I Choose The Right Companion Plant For My Strawberry Patch?

Consider factors such as sunlight requirements, soil compatibility, water needs, and pest resistance when selecting companion plants for your strawberry patch.

It’s essential to choose varieties that have similar growing conditions to ensure a successful partnership.

Can I plant zucchini with strawberries?

It is not recommended to plant strawberries near zucchini because they can attract similar pests that could potentially eat both plants.

Do strawberries attract pests?

Yes, the mostcommon pests that strawberries attractareslugs, strawberry bud weevils, tarnished plant bugs, spittlebugs, and strawberry sap bugs.

Do strawberries attract pollinators?

Yes, strawberries can attract pollinators like bees. However, it is best to include a few flowers in your garden that specifically attract pollinators as strawberry plants are not the most attractive to pollinators.

Are there any plants that can help protect strawberries from pests?

Yes, there are some plants that can help protect strawberries from pests, such as borage and marigold.

Can I plant tomatoes and strawberries together?

No, strawberries and tomatoesshould not be planted together. Planting tomatoes near strawberries can attract similar harmful pests and increase the spread of fungal disease.

28 Best Strawberry Companion Plants And 10 You Must Avoid (2024)


What should I not plant next to strawberries? ›

Bad Neighbors for Strawberries

Common vegetable crops — including tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplants, melons and plants in the rose family — can introduce the fungi responsible for Verticillium wilt. Potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant and red clover can harbor species of nematodes that can feed on strawberries.

Can peppers and strawberries be planted together? ›

No, strawberries and peppers should not be planted together. Strawberry is a prolific grower who is also prone to some diseases and pests. Planting pepper near it will only make things worse. When planted too close to strawberries, some infections will attack your pepper, so it's better to separate the two.

Do tomatoes and strawberries grow well together? ›

Plants to Avoid in your Strawberry Patch

Plants like tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, melons, peppers, roses, mint, and okra may actually contribute to this deadly disease in strawberry plants. It is essential to note that strawberries should not even be planted in beds that have recently housed those plants on this list.

Can corn and strawberries grow together? ›

Don't plant these with strawberries: Sunflowers. Corn. Fennel.

What is best to plant near strawberries? ›

Herbs like borage, sage, dill, chives, coriander, thyme, caraway, and catnip make great companion plants for strawberries. 10. Marigolds: Marigolds mask the sweet smell of strawberries and ward off root-knot nematodes. French marigolds in particular repel harmful knot nematodes and serve as a ground cover.

Can you plant tomatoes and strawberries next to each other? ›

Strawberries and tomatoes are not known companion plants, however they don't dislike each other so they will be fine planted next to each other or in the same garden bed. Tomatoes especially like asparagus, basil, carrot, celery and parsley and they don't like brassicas, fennel, potato or sweetcorn.

Why do you plant onions around strawberries? ›

Even small spring onions are odorous enough to mask the sweet tempting smell of sun-drenched, ripe berries. Critters searching for the sweet treats will be thrown off-scent by the pungency of onions nearby. The strawberry plant does its part, too.

Can cucumbers and strawberries be planted together? ›

In many cases, sprawling cucumber vines will effectively shade your strawberry plants resulting in poor growth and low fruit yield. The good news is that if you are very deliberate with trellising, plant placement, and sun exposure, it's possible to successfully plant strawberries and cucumbers together.

Can you plant marigolds with strawberries? ›

Marigolds. Marigolds are one of the top choices for natural pest control among home gardeners, and they are one of the best companion plants for strawberries. Marigolds' cheery orange and yellow flowers help to repel a wide variety of common pests, including deer, rabbits, and insects like thrips.

What should you not plant near tomatoes? ›

Companion Plants To Avoid Growing Near Tomatoes
  • Cabbage. Planting a member of the brassica family, like cabbage, can stunt the growth of your tomato plant because they out-compete them for the same nutrients. ...
  • Corn. ...
  • Broccoli. ...
  • Fennel. ...
  • Dill. ...
  • Potatoes. ...
  • Eggplant. ...
  • Walnuts.
May 25, 2023

Where is the best place to plant strawberry plants? ›

Choose a site located away from trees and buildings that cast shade for more than a few hours each day. Trees will compete for water and nutrients as well as cast shade, so the strawberry bed should lay beyond the root zone of large trees.

Can I plant basil with strawberries? ›

Basil: I like mini bush basil. Plant them alongside your strawberries and harvest as needed. The two even taste great together. Rosemary: Shorter or trailing rosemaries may also provide some benefit.

What happens if you plant strawberries too close together? ›

Strawberry beds tend to get overcrowded with plants and expand in size so that it is difficult to pick fruit without stepping on plants. They become less productive after a few years because plants produce less fruit as they get older. Plants also produce less fruit of smaller size when they are crowded.

Can garlic and strawberries grow together? ›

Fennel and chives showed some promise, but garlic emerged as the star. When dense, double rows of garlic were planted between rows of strawberries, spider mites were reduced by 44 to 65 percent. This may not surprise Russian gardeners, who often plant garlic with their strawberries.

Can I plant strawberries under an apple tree? ›

In addition to herbs, flowers, and vegetables, other fruit trees can also make good companions for strawberries. Apples, for example, can provide shade for strawberries and can also be grown in the same soil.

Can I plant flowers with strawberries? ›

Borage. Borage is one of the most popular companion plants for strawberries to attract pollinators. Also known as bee bread, borage's nectar-rich flowers are a favorite of pollinators. And nearly the entire plant is edible, from its star-shaped flowers to its long stalk.

Can strawberries and blueberries be planted together? ›

They both can act as beautiful landscape plants and they can be grown together. Strawberries act like ground cover to keep the soil around the blueberry shrubs moist and weed-free. Any way you decide to plant them, you will be happy you did!


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

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Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.